Stars Sirius A and Sirius B radiate OM.
The Science of
Cymatics has proved that the Visual Form of AUM is
Sri Yantra.
(Cymatics (from Greek: κῦμα “wave”) is the study of visible sound and vibration, a subset of modal phenomena. Typically the surface of a plate, diaphragm, or membrane is vibrated, and regions of maximum and minimum displacement are made visible in a thin coating of particles, paste, or liquid.[1] Different patterns emerge in the excitatory medium depending on the geometry of the plate and the driving”
2. AUM or OM is the fractal sound pattern of
Big Bang.
“The spinning mass of Sirius B (love spun him out) generated the first sound as it moved into its elliptical orbit at the center of the Primal Star. Without movement there is no sound. Love was God’s motivation.
This first sound in the creation was/is the first sound of AUM, the A, and is said like the a in
America, (uh), in the tone F. This first movement and its sound continue to exist as Sirius B and its elliptical orbit.
The counter-point, counter spin, and counter-flow, of Sirius B’s first spinning orbital movement now exists as Sirius A and its elliptical orbit, and generates the second sound in AUM, the U, said like the u in tune, in the tone F#.
The third sound in AUM, the nasalated M, is generated by the double helical spiral vortex that extended from the center of the Primal Star to the top and bottom. This double helix flow form was generated by and tuned to the movements of Sirius A and B at the center of the Primal Star.
This double helix form provided the unlimited fractal encodement capability required for the creation of the infinite detail of the cosmos, including planetary biospheres and the DNA-based creatures that occupy them.
The spinning form of this primal double helix extending from the top to the bottom of the Primal Star caused countless smaller vortices to expand throughout the plasma of the Primal Star that would become the galaxies, stars, and planetary systems of the universe.
When the internal vortex motion and the resulting sound generated by AUM and the F, F#, G, tritone reached full resonance, the Primal Star, suddenly expanded into the infinite detail of the created universe, in the event known as the Big Bang.”
Hans Jenny’s work in the science of Cymatics (the study of the interrelationship of sound and form) has shown that when AUM is spoken, the pattern of circles and triangles of the Sri Yantra appears in sand on a resonator plat, or in an electron vibration field sensor called a Tonoscope. (See below left).
Jenny also discovered that when the sounds of the
Vedic Sanskrit alphabet are spoken, the written form of the letter appears. The sound of the letter is the vibratory form of the letter.
Fifty Letters of Sanskrit Distributed in Sri Yantra |
3.The Rig Veda confirms that AUM is the source of the fifty sounds of the Vedic
Sanskrit language.
Since we know that AUM comes from the Sirius System, and it has been scientifically proven that the Sri Yantra is the visual form of AUM, it is logical that the Sri Yantra would separate and contain the fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit.
How does this happen?
The orbital periods of Sirius A and B around each other and their common center of mass takes exactly fifty years.
The fifty sounds of the Vedic Sanskrit alphabet are created by the division of their fifty year combined orbits into fifty segments of sound that are separated by the annual eclipses of the Sirius system by our Sun. Fifty years, fifty eclipses, fifty segments, fifty sounds.
The diagram above represents the 60-year conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter, and takes 2,400 years to complete.
“The Goddess Vac has a thousand syllables containing all possible sounds, which she uses for the creation of the universe. The Rig Veda bases its approach to the creation on the power of sound, and personifies that sound as a Goddess, Vac, the Word (AUM).”
“The power of sound brings forth the material world. The concrete universe is composed of the collective sounds of the letters of the Vedic alphabet.”
Man as Microcosm in Tantric Hinduism, p. 10 and p. 61
The fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit are three dimensional fractal sound formulas that can resonate into being all the possible constructs and processes in the creation, nano to astro.
All physical forms are vibrating sound resonance fields, and are contained within the fifty astral sound forms of the Goddess’ language. The Goddess creates the cosmos with these fifty sounds and their combinations.
The annual eclipses of the Sirius system by the Sun are extremely precise. Sirius rises just before the Sun on the morning of June 19th, exactly 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, and 9.54 seconds after its last rising. For most of the history of the planet, its people and nations have started their new year at the moment of the rising of Sirius on the 19th of June.
The fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit also appear on the lotus petals of the chakras of the human body, and are the sound patterns that create and maintain our organ systems.
 | | The fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit are distributed on the chacras of the human spine. These 50 sounds generate and maintain the organ systems and framework of the human body.
Our bodies are the expanded totality of the language of the living word (AUM) that has unfolded by sound resonance into our physical being.
The male endocrine system is tuned to the vibrational frequencies of Sirius B’s orbit and helical spiral linar motion.
The female endocrine system is tuned to the vibrational frequencies of Sirius A’s orbit and helical spiral linear motion.
These vibrational frequencies determine maleness and femaleness in all creatures.
There are twenty inflections (slightly different pronunciations) for each of the fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit. These twenty inflections are the twenty aspects the Sirius system passes through between its annual eclipses by the sun. Fifty sounds, multiplied by twenty inflections per sound, produces the thousand sounds that appear on the lotus petals of the Crown Chakra.
The fifty sounds of Vedic are shown as fifty different postures of the Goddess, symbolizing the written forms of the Vedic sounds. AUM, the Sri Yantra, the Goddess, and Her language are one thing.
The covers of these two books of the Goddess’ thousand names, show that when the Goddess is not pictured in her red dress with white spots, it is totally acceptable to picture Her as the Sri Yantra.
The Vedic alphabet starts with A and ends with HA (AHA!). No matter what language a person speaks, when they suddenly see the meaning of something, they will say, AHA, the first and last sounds of Vedic Sanskrit.
This is the universal mind’s way of saying that it has comprehended something from beginning to end (from A to Z), from A to HA. When the mind becomes amused, it just repeats the last sound of Vedic over and over, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA. Therefore, the Vedic word for laughter is HA’S (multiple HA). “There were a lot of HA’S (laughter) at the party.”
The language starts over again (goes from HA to A) when Sirius B passes directly between Sirius A and our solar system once every fifty years. The last transit of Sirius B in front of Sirius A was in 1989, and extremely accurate measurements of the Earth’s daily spin speed in relation to Sirius showed that the Earth’s spin speed slowed down by a full second per day for several weeks before the event, and then increased by a second per day over a period of several weeks after the event, as it returned to normal. This slow-down causes the sound of the A in HA (ah) to quickly again become the flatted A (uh), that is the first sound of the Vedic alphabet.
These fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit that continuously radiate from the Sirius system, are the universal Mother Tongue, the visionary language of the hymns of the Rig Veda.
Most linguists are unaware of the existence of an original universal language, or that Vedic Sanskrit is that language.
The Vedic language and the contents of the Rig Veda, the oldest body of sacred knowledge on the Earth, was revealed to the people of the Himalaya after they had eaten or drunk the juice of a divine plant called Soma.
The discovery of the Rig Veda by Europeans made the identity of the Soma plant become the biggest mystery in botany. The mystery of the Soma plant’s identity became even more compelling in the 1960s when the science of linguistics determined that the languages of Europe are descendants of Vedic Sanskrit. Vedic is the Mother language, the visionary language of the hymns of the Rig Veda, and was revealed by the Soma plant.
This greatest botanical mystery was solved in 1968, with the publication of the book Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality, by R. G. Wasson.
 | | From the descriptions of Soma given in the Rig Veda, Wasson determined that the divine Soma plant was Amanita muscaria, a red mushroom with white spots on its cap, that has a far reaching reputation in mythological and religious realms.
The descriptions are a perfect match. A red mushroom with white spots can only be described in so many ways, no matter how inspired the poet may be. By reading some of the many descriptions of Soma in the Rig Veda, it is easy to see that the descriptions do in fact fit a red mushroom with white spots.
The divine mushroom lives in the roots of the white birch tree in a symbiotic relationship, and the epilogue of Wasson’s book is titled: The Tree of Life and the Marvelous Herb, and describes this special relationship. |
The Soma plant is described throughout the Rig Veda, and is identified with the Goddess Herself.
This divine plant contains and reveals the fifty sounds of Vedic Sanskrit, the Mother Language, and the entire contents of the Rig Veda are revealed to the person who consumes this divine mushroom.
The Vedic Sanskrit language, and the contents of the Rig Veda, are encoded in the DNA of the Soma mushroom, and are downloaded to the person who eats (or drinks the juice of) the mushroom.
DNA is a fractal information compression system with unlimited memory capability. Stored information can be downloaded to other DNA.
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