1-ICA, Peru—Engaving shows Dinosaur coexisted with human.
There is a small Peruvian town of Ica, situated in the Nazca Desert about 5 hours by bus from Lima. It has a Museo Cabrera, that houses engraved stones of Ica, and it will blow your mind and Darvin theory and new science theory that disproves Dinosaur and humans coexistance.
It has more than 10,000 stones of varying sizes with black, smooth surface engraved with figures.
Dr. Javier Cabrera Darquea, who collected and studied the stones for 37 years, got a small stone as a gift for his birthday. Surprised by its weight and design, he started collecting and studying the stones.
Eugenia Cabrera C., director of the museum and daughter of Dr. Cabrera, said that her father conducted an analysis on the stones and found that they are a common type of rock called andesite, coated with a special layer on the surface, which made them black and smooth and probably gave them the extra weight.
He speculated that the layer may have been soft at first, which allowed people to draw the figures on it, and later became hard. To this day, the coating is still on the stones, allowing us to see the figures.
On the stones are drawings of human figures, plants, animals, and abstract symbols. The humans are wearing headdresses, clothes, and shoes. Some stones depict scenes similar to today’s blood transfusions, organ transplants, and birth through caesarian section.
After excavation , it proves that Dinosaurs did not extint 65 millions of years ago, infact they existed 33500 years ago per A triceratops brow horn discovered in Dawson County, Mont. Scientists from the Paleochronology Group, who perform research relating to “anomalies of science,” maintain that dinosaurs did not die out millions of years ago and that there is substantial evidence that they were still alive as recently as 23,000 years ago.The sample was sent to the University of Georgia, Center for Applied Isotope Studies, for this purpose. The sample was divided at the lab into two fractions with the “bulk” or collagen break down products yielding an age of 33,570 ± 120 years and the carbonate fraction of bone bioapatite yielding an age of 41,010 ± 220 years [UGAMS-11752 & 11752a]. Mr Miller told Ancient Origins that it is always desirable to carbon-14 date several fractions to minimize the possibility of errors, which Miller requested, and that essential concordance was achieved in the 1000s of years as with all bone fractions of ten other dinosaurs.
Numerous carbon dating proves C-14 tests have now been carried out on dinosaur bones, and surprisingly, they all returned results dating back in the thousands rather than millions of years.
Read the original at Ancient Origins.
Several stones show people with a telescope observing star constellations, planets, and comets.
The animals resemble cows, deer, and giraffes, among others. Some also resemble trilobites, extinct fish, and other animals with which we are not familiar. Most surprisingly, several stones show humans trying to kill, or being eaten by, dinosaurs.
Dr. Dennis Swift, who studied archeology at the University of New Mexico, documented in his book Secrets of the Ica Stones and Nazca Lines evidence that the stones date back to Pre-Columbian times.
Based on the drawings’ content, some believe that the stones are from 65 million years ago, before dinosaurs became extinct, and that there were people existing at that time—the ones who produced the stones.
These can not be considered as fakes because in the 1960s, paleontologists thought dinosaurs walked dragging their tails, and the stones depict the dinosaurs holding their tails up.
However, it was later discovered that dinosaurs actually walked without their tails touching the ground. “Now we know the paleontologists were wrong. The Ica Stones were right,” wrote Swift.
When you look at these engravings-you will forget that it was Galleo Galilei invented the telescope in 1609. A stone believed to have been engraved as long as 65 million years ago,shows evidence that Mayans in Peru used to know telescope.
See more cave art in Indonesia>40,000 years ago, changes conception of human beings history as is told-
-Advanced Culture in Cave Paintings.
These paintings from more than 30,000 years ago in the caves of Europe in the 19th century, has busted the commonly accepted understanding of prehistory.Emile Cartailhac,is now considered a founding father of cave art studies.
The first paintings were discovered by Don Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola, a Spanish nobleman, and his daughter, Maria, in 1879 in the Altamira cave. They showed an unexpected sophistication.
The discovery was dismissed, until the early 20th century when Cartailhac published paintings.
The La Marche caves in west-central France contain depictions over 14,000 years old of people with short hair, groomed beards, tailored clothing, riding horseback and suited in modern style—a far cry from the animal-skin loin cloths we usually imagine were confirmed as genuine in 2002.
>500 million year old metallic vessel was found after an explosion of rock in Dorchester,Mass., in 1852. A Scientific American article from June 5, 1852, quotes the Boston Transcript: “This curious and unknown vessel was blown out of the solid pudding stone, fifteen feet below the surface. … There is no doubt but that this curiosity was blown out of the rock” (See full article below). The rock in question was determined to be from the Neoproterozoic era, that is from 541 million to a billion years ago.It is still controversial though.
-Ancient mystic metallurgy if India- Iron Piller OF Delhi-
150,000-Year-Old Pipes were found in a mysterious pyramid in China’s Qinghai Province near Mount Baigong are three caves filled with pipes leading to a nearby salt-water lake. There are also pipes under the lake bed and on the shore. The iron pipes range in size, with some smaller than a toothpick.
Dating done by the Beijing Institute of Geology determined these iron pipes were smelted about 150,000 years ago, if they were indeed made by humans, according to Brian Dunning of Skeptoid.com.
The dating was done using thermoluminescence, a technique that determines how long ago crystalline mineral was exposed to sunlight or heated. Humans are only thought to have inhabited the region for the past 30,000 years. Even within the known history of the area, the only humans to inhabit the region were nomads whose lifestyle would not leave any such structures behind.
The state-run news agency Xinhua in China reported on the pyramid, the pipes, and the research began by a team scientists sent to investigate in 2002.
2000 year old battery in Iraq-
They are composed of clay jars with asphalt stoppers. Iron rods stick through the stoppers and are surrounded by copper. The jars were filled with vinegar or wine or some other acidic substance, as shown by corrosion of the interior. Vinegar or any other electrolytic solution could have helped the device produce electricity.
Smith College in Massachusetts reproduced the device. A post on the college’s website explains: “There is no written record as to the exact function of the jar, but the best guess is that it was a type of battery. Scientists believe the batteries (if that is their correct function) were used to electroplate items such as putting a layer of one metal (gold) onto the surface of another (silver), a method still practiced in Iraq today.”
LONDON Hammer Made 100 Million Years Ago?-A hammer was found in London, Texas, in 1934 encased in stone that had formed around it. The rock surrounding the hammer is said to be more than 100 million years old, suggesting the hammer was made well before humans who could have made such an object are thought to have existed.it was tested by Battelle Laboratory in Columbus, Ohio, a lab that has tested moon rocks for NASA. According to Baugh, the tests found the hammer to have unusual metallurgy—96.6 percent iron, 2.6 percent chlorine, 0.74 percent sulfur, and no carbon.
Carbon is usually what strengthens brittle iron, so it is strange that carbon is absent. Chlorine is not usually found in iron. The iron shows a high degree of craftsmanship without bubbles in the metal. Furthermore, it is said to be coated in an iron oxide that would not readily form under natural conditions and which prevents rust.
Northern India, a surgeon named Sushruta, who lived between 600 to 1000 B.C., was developing and practicing plastic surgery and may have been the first plastic surgeon. He had many students who were required to study six years before practicing. Before the medical training would begin, Sushruta would make the student take a solemn oath, similar to the Hippocratic Oath developed by Hippocrates some time later. During training, the students would practice on watermelons, gourds, and cucumbers, according to the article “Sushruta: The first Plastic Surgeon in 600 B.C.” in the Internet Journal of Plastic Surgery.
The doctor or doctors who performed the original trepanations performed the surgery in an area of the skull that minimized damage to the brain and assured longer survival.
Ancient Computer: Antikythera Mechanism Made in 150 BC found in Egypt-
The size of a modern laptop, the Antikythera Mechanism was made by the ancient Greeks, though it was found on a Roman ship. It could calculate astronomical changes with precision.
In 1959, in an area called Chalkidiki in Petralona, Northern Greece, a shepherd came across a small opening to a cave.The ‘Petralona man’, or Archanthropus of Petralona, as it has since been called, was found to be 700,000 years old, making it the oldest human europeoid (presenting European traits) of that age ever discovered in Europe beating AFRICAN ORIGIN.Research published in the US in 1971 in the prestigious Archaeology magazine, backed up the findings that the skull was indeed 700,000 years old. This was based on an analysis of the cave’s stratigraphy and the sediment in which the skull was embedded within. Further research in the cave discovered isolated teeth and two pre-human skeletons dating back 800,000 years, as well as other fossils of various species.
Read the original
500,000-Year-Old Engraving Found- An engraving on a piece of ochre by Homo sapiens (modern man) was previously the oldest, dating from about 100,000 years ago. Two dating methods placed the simple zig-zag engravings on the shell between 540,000 to 430,000 years of age.
The shell came from an excavation site on the Indonesian island of Java and it was part of a collection at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden for more than a hundred years before the engraving was noticed. Researchers working with the shells were studying the clever way Homo erectus used a sharp tool, possibly a shark’s tooth, to pinpoint a part of the mussel that would cause the shell to open if pressed.
2.8-Billion-Year-Old Spheres Found in South Africa?
According to Michael Cremo and other researchers of prehistoric culture, these spheres add to a body of evidence suggesting intelligent life existed on Earth long before a conventional view of history places it here.
Cremo has traveled the world gathering information on out-of-place artefacts (ooparts); he compiled his findings in the popular book, “Forbidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race.”
There is controversy if it is nature made or man made.
15,000-Year-Old Houses Found in Africa Show Advanced Skills of Prehistoric Society-
Many prehistoric animlas still lives along with humans-
MARTIALIS HEUREKA ANT: 120 million years old-in the Amazon forest.

GOBLIN SHARK: 125 million years old-
FRILLED SHARK: 150 million years old-
TUATARA: 200 million years old
Scientist does not know how evolution works?-
Dr. Tour was confirmed as one of the 10 most-cited scientists in the world in 2010. His work on nanotechnology is world-renowned. He is a chemistry professor at Rice University, he received his Ph.D. in organic chemistry at Purdue University and was a post-doctoral Fellow at Stanford University.Scientist do not really know how evolution works.
SOURCE- Modified from epochtimes.Visit the Epoch Times Beyond Science page on Facebook, and subscribe to the Beyond Science newsletter to continue exploring ancient mysteries and the new frontiers of science!
icas engraved stones -a prehistoric-library
controversial claim -geologist mysterious tracks-in turkey-millions of years ago
There is a small Peruvian town of Ica, situated in the Nazca Desert about 5 hours by bus from Lima. It has a Museo Cabrera, that houses engraved stones of Ica, and it will blow your mind and Darvin theory and new science theory that disproves Dinosaur and humans coexistance.
It has more than 10,000 stones of varying sizes with black, smooth surface engraved with figures.
Dr. Javier Cabrera Darquea, who collected and studied the stones for 37 years, got a small stone as a gift for his birthday. Surprised by its weight and design, he started collecting and studying the stones.
The drawing on this stone shows a dinosaur eating a human that
led some people to think that there were humans 65 million years ago.
(Courtesy of Eugenia Cabrera/Museo Cabrera)
Top left: Relief carving at Angkor Wat, Cambodia (1186 A.D.). Top Right: Textile
from Nazca, Peru (700 A.D.). Bottom: Tapestry in the Chateau de Blois (1500 A.D.)
On the stones are drawings of human figures, plants, animals, and abstract symbols. The humans are wearing headdresses, clothes, and shoes. Some stones depict scenes similar to today’s blood transfusions, organ transplants, and birth through caesarian section.
After excavation , it proves that Dinosaurs did not extint 65 millions of years ago, infact they existed 33500 years ago per A triceratops brow horn discovered in Dawson County, Mont. Scientists from the Paleochronology Group, who perform research relating to “anomalies of science,” maintain that dinosaurs did not die out millions of years ago and that there is substantial evidence that they were still alive as recently as 23,000 years ago.The sample was sent to the University of Georgia, Center for Applied Isotope Studies, for this purpose. The sample was divided at the lab into two fractions with the “bulk” or collagen break down products yielding an age of 33,570 ± 120 years and the carbonate fraction of bone bioapatite yielding an age of 41,010 ± 220 years [UGAMS-11752 & 11752a]. Mr Miller told Ancient Origins that it is always desirable to carbon-14 date several fractions to minimize the possibility of errors, which Miller requested, and that essential concordance was achieved in the 1000s of years as with all bone fractions of ten other dinosaurs.
Numerous carbon dating proves C-14 tests have now been carried out on dinosaur bones, and surprisingly, they all returned results dating back in the thousands rather than millions of years.
Read the original at Ancient Origins.
Several stones show people with a telescope observing star constellations, planets, and comets.
The animals resemble cows, deer, and giraffes, among others. Some also resemble trilobites, extinct fish, and other animals with which we are not familiar. Most surprisingly, several stones show humans trying to kill, or being eaten by, dinosaurs.
A figure engraved on a stone believed to be as old as 65 million years holds a telescope, an invention believed to be created in 1609 by Galileo. (Courtesy of Eugenia Cabrera/Museo Cabrera) |
Based on the drawings’ content, some believe that the stones are from 65 million years ago, before dinosaurs became extinct, and that there were people existing at that time—the ones who produced the stones.
These can not be considered as fakes because in the 1960s, paleontologists thought dinosaurs walked dragging their tails, and the stones depict the dinosaurs holding their tails up.
However, it was later discovered that dinosaurs actually walked without their tails touching the ground. “Now we know the paleontologists were wrong. The Ica Stones were right,” wrote Swift.
-Telescope-Peruvian Stone engraving Showing Ancient Telescope, Modern-Style Clothing-So Galleo was not inventor of TELESCOPE.
See more cave art in Indonesia>40,000 years ago, changes conception of human beings history as is told-
-Advanced Culture in Cave Paintings.
These paintings from more than 30,000 years ago in the caves of Europe in the 19th century, has busted the commonly accepted understanding of prehistory.Emile Cartailhac,is now considered a founding father of cave art studies.
The first paintings were discovered by Don Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola, a Spanish nobleman, and his daughter, Maria, in 1879 in the Altamira cave. They showed an unexpected sophistication.
The discovery was dismissed, until the early 20th century when Cartailhac published paintings.
Iron Piller in Delhi,India |
>500 million year old metallic vessel was found after an explosion of rock in Dorchester,Mass., in 1852. A Scientific American article from June 5, 1852, quotes the Boston Transcript: “This curious and unknown vessel was blown out of the solid pudding stone, fifteen feet below the surface. … There is no doubt but that this curiosity was blown out of the rock” (See full article below). The rock in question was determined to be from the Neoproterozoic era, that is from 541 million to a billion years ago.It is still controversial though.
-Ancient mystic metallurgy if India- Iron Piller OF Delhi-
It is >1,500 years old and , it is so impenetrable to corrosion that even modern technology fails to match it.
sultanganj buddha |
The 24-foot pillar is 99.72 percent iron, according to Professor A.P. Gupta, Head of the Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities at the Institute of Technology and Management in India.
In modern times, wrought iron has been made with a purity of about 99–99.8 percent, but it contains manganese and sulfur, two ingredients absent in the pillar. The pillar was also coated in a protective oxide film. It is unlike anything produced today.
An inscription on it dates to about 400 A.D. but it was common at the time to re-erect old pillars with new inscriptions declaring victory in battle or some other triumph.
Sultanganj Buddha, which was cast of pure copper and weighs more than a ton, is some 1,500 years old and “no scientific explanation has yet been made in regard to how it was built at such an early date.”
Dating done by the Beijing Institute of Geology determined these iron pipes were smelted about 150,000 years ago, if they were indeed made by humans, according to Brian Dunning of Skeptoid.com.
The dating was done using thermoluminescence, a technique that determines how long ago crystalline mineral was exposed to sunlight or heated. Humans are only thought to have inhabited the region for the past 30,000 years. Even within the known history of the area, the only humans to inhabit the region were nomads whose lifestyle would not leave any such structures behind.
The state-run news agency Xinhua in China reported on the pyramid, the pipes, and the research began by a team scientists sent to investigate in 2002.
2000 year old battery in Iraq-
Smith College in Massachusetts reproduced the device. A post on the college’s website explains: “There is no written record as to the exact function of the jar, but the best guess is that it was a type of battery. Scientists believe the batteries (if that is their correct function) were used to electroplate items such as putting a layer of one metal (gold) onto the surface of another (silver), a method still practiced in Iraq today.”
Carbon is usually what strengthens brittle iron, so it is strange that carbon is absent. Chlorine is not usually found in iron. The iron shows a high degree of craftsmanship without bubbles in the metal. Furthermore, it is said to be coated in an iron oxide that would not readily form under natural conditions and which prevents rust.
The doctor or doctors who performed the original trepanations performed the surgery in an area of the skull that minimized damage to the brain and assured longer survival.
Ancient Computer: Antikythera Mechanism Made in 150 BC found in Egypt-
The size of a modern laptop, the Antikythera Mechanism was made by the ancient Greeks, though it was found on a Roman ship. It could calculate astronomical changes with precision.
A diagram of the gears inside the Antikythera Mechanism. (Wikimedia Commons |
The Antikythera Mechanism is a 2000-year-old mechanical device used to calculate the positions of the sun, moon, planets, and even the dates of the ancient Olympic Games. (Wikimedia Commons) |
Read the original
500,000-Year-Old Engraving Found- An engraving on a piece of ochre by Homo sapiens (modern man) was previously the oldest, dating from about 100,000 years ago. Two dating methods placed the simple zig-zag engravings on the shell between 540,000 to 430,000 years of age.
The shell came from an excavation site on the Indonesian island of Java and it was part of a collection at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden for more than a hundred years before the engraving was noticed. Researchers working with the shells were studying the clever way Homo erectus used a sharp tool, possibly a shark’s tooth, to pinpoint a part of the mussel that would cause the shell to open if pressed.
2.8-Billion-Year-Old Spheres Found in South Africa?
According to Michael Cremo and other researchers of prehistoric culture, these spheres add to a body of evidence suggesting intelligent life existed on Earth long before a conventional view of history places it here.
Cremo has traveled the world gathering information on out-of-place artefacts (ooparts); he compiled his findings in the popular book, “Forbidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race.”
There is controversy if it is nature made or man made.
15,000-Year-Old Houses Found in Africa Show Advanced Skills of Prehistoric Society-
Polish archaeologists have uncovered remnants of 15,000-year-old sturdy and permanent structures in Sudan, Africa. They show a much more settled and advanced stage of human behavior than previously thought for the time.
These houses were made during the Late Palaeolithic era.It’s the first evidence that Homo sapiens of the time “built sizable houses, planned distribution of a camp party with different functions, [and] adapted well to the wetland environment,” in the Nile Valley, according to Polish science publication PAP.
STURGEON: 200 million years old |
MARTIALIS HEUREKA ANT: 120 million years old-in the Amazon forest.
GOBLIN SHARK: 125 million years old-
FRILLED SHARK: 150 million years old-
TUATARA: 200 million years old
JELLYFISH: 505 million years old |
SPONGE: 760 million years old |
HORSESHOE CRAB: 445 million years old |
Scientist does not know how evolution works?-
Dr. Tour was confirmed as one of the 10 most-cited scientists in the world in 2010. His work on nanotechnology is world-renowned. He is a chemistry professor at Rice University, he received his Ph.D. in organic chemistry at Purdue University and was a post-doctoral Fellow at Stanford University.Scientist do not really know how evolution works.
SOURCE- Modified from epochtimes.Visit the Epoch Times Beyond Science page on Facebook, and subscribe to the Beyond Science newsletter to continue exploring ancient mysteries and the new frontiers of science!
NAUTILUS: 500 million years old |
icas engraved stones -a prehistoric-library
controversial claim -geologist mysterious tracks-in turkey-millions of years ago