Monday, June 9, 2014

How Meditation Changes Your Brain-A Neuroscientist Explains

Do you struggle, like me, with monkey-mind? Is your brain also a little unsettled, restless, capricious, whimsical, fanciful, inconstant, confused, indecisive, or uncontrollable? That’s the definition of “monkey mind”. group of Harvard neuroscientists interested in mindfulness meditation have reported that brain structures change after only eight weeks of meditation practice.
Sara Lazar, Ph.D., the study’s senior author, said in a press release,
“Although the practice of meditation is associated with a sense of peacefulness and physical relaxation, practitioners have long claimed that meditation also provides cognitive and psychological benefits that persist throughout the day.”
To test their idea the neuroscientists enrolled 16 people in an eight-week mindfulness-based stress reduction course. The course promised to improve participants’ mindfulness and well-being, and reduce their levels of stress.
Everyone received audio recordings containing 45-minute guided mindfulness exercises (body scan, yoga, and sitting meditation) that they were instructed to practice daily at home. And to facilitate the integration of mindfulness into daily life, they were also taught to practice mindfulness informally in everyday activities such as eating, walking, washing the dishes, taking a shower, and so on. On average, the meditation group participants spent an average of 27 minutes a day practicing some form of mindfulness.
beforeeMagnetic resonance images (MRI scans) of everyone’s brains were taken before and after they completed the meditation training, and a control group of people who didn’t do any mindfulness training also had their brains scanned.After completing the mindfulness course, all participants reported significant improvement in measures of mindfulness, such as “acting with awareness” and “non-judging.”
What was startling was that the MRI scans showed that mindfulness groups increased gray matter concentration within the left hippocampus, the posterior cingulate cortex, the temporo-parietal junction, and the cerebellum. Brain regions involved in learning and memory, emotion regulation, sense of self, and perspective taking!

Britta Hölzel, the lead author on the paper says,
“It is fascinating to see the brain’s plasticity and that, by practicing meditation, we can play an active role in changing the brain and can increase our well-being and quality of life.”
Sarah Lazar also noted,
“This study demonstrates that changes in brain structure may underlie some of these reported improvements and that people are not just feeling better because they are spending time relaxing.”

Featured Image Credits:
Credits: **This was originally featured on MindBodyGreen

In this article we will explore how your body is a holographic projection of your consciousness, and how you directly influence that hologram and thus have complete control over the physical health of your body. We will also specifically explore the exact mechanism behind this principle, and don’t worry, I will provide scientific evidence so let your rational mind be at ease. But first … how is this even possible?

Human Thought Determines Reality

One of the key principles of quantum physics is that our thoughts determine reality. Early in the 1900′s they proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt with an experiment called the double slit experiment. They found that the determining factor of the behavior of energy (‘particles’) at the quantum level is the awareness of the observer.
For example: electrons under the same conditions would sometimes act like particles, and then at other times they would switch to acting like waves (formless energy), because it was completely dependent on what the observer expected was going to happen. Whatever the observed believed would occur is what the quantum field did.

The quantum world is waiting for us to make a decision so that it knows how to behave. That is why quantum physicists have such difficulties in dealing with, explaining, and defining the quantum world. We are truly, in every sense of the word, masters of creation because we decide what manifests out of the field of all-possibility and into form.
The thing is, the quantum level of reality isn’t a local and insignificant aspect of creation. It is all around us, and it is the most fundamental level of creation aside from the unified field itself. The human energy field is interacting and influencing the quantum field all around us at all times and the energy of our beliefs and intentions are infused into our energy field because they are defined by the energy of our thoughts and emotions.
Thus the fusion of our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and intentions, which I will call the human energy field for simplicity’s sake, is perpetually informing the quantum reality within us and around us at each moment of our existence
And because reality is flashing in and out of existence (hypothetically at Planck time – 1044 times per second – as explained by The Resonance Project biophysicist William Brown), every time our reality oscillates between form, and the pure energy state of the field, our awareness which is constant and doesn’t flash in and out of existence informs the field what to reappear as when it makes its transition back to form at the quantum level.
Therefore each time we oscillate into formlessness, we have complete and total control and responsibility over what we choose with our attention to manifest out of the field in the next moment, and our power and ability to do so relies entirely what we believe, and on how we are feeling.
A dramatic example of this is the case of Vittorio Michelli. In 1962 he was admitted to the Military Hospital of Verona, Italy with a large tumor on his left hip. The doctors knew that they could not help him, so his case was deemed hopeless and he was sent home without treatment, and after about 10 months his left hip bone had completely disintegrated. As a last resort, he traveled to Lourdes, France and bathed himself in the spring there (which is a Christian holy site famous for producing miracles).
Immediately he started feeling better, he regained his appetite, and bathed himself in the spring a few more times before he left. After a few months of being home he felt such a powerful sense of well-being that he urged the doctors to x-ray him again, and they were astonished to find that his tumor had shrunk. Over the next several months they kept a close watch on him, and his X-rays showed that his tumor kept on shrinking, until it was gone. And once his tumor disappeared, his hipbone started regenerating.
After two months he was walking again, and several years later his hip bone had completely regenerated. The Vatican’s Medical Commission, in their official report said:
“A remarkable reconstruction of the iliac bone and cavity has taken place. The X-rays made in 1964, 1965, 1968, and 1969 confirm categorically and without doubt that an unforeseen and even overwhelming bone reconstruction has taken place of a type unknown in the annals of world medicine.” (The Holographic Universe, p.107)
Ordinarily this would be deemed miraculous, and indeed it truly is. But I find this miraculous in the sense of the true power of human intention and belief that it displays. Moreover, this is powerful evidence that suggests that there is an energetic structure which our ‘material bodies’ align with, because that is one of the only logical explanations for how Vittorio Michelli’s hip bone knew exactly which shape to grow back into unless there was some sort of energetic blueprint which was instructing its growth, which as the Vatican’s Medical Commission clearly stated, was “unknown in the annals of world medicine.”
In medicine, maybe this was unknown, but the same cannot be said for physics. At the atomic level atoms bond with one another to form molecules which have specific geometric structures as if there is an energetic blueprint which they are adhering to which dictates the shapes they maintain together.
If our bodies are a projection of consciousness, then our consciousness would create an energetic blueprint which our atoms and molecules align with to create our bodies. There is highly suggestive evidence of the existence of this energetic blueprint (or human energy field) in the new research on DNA which proves that it transmits, receives, and thus reads energy directly from the field.
Michelli’s case is a perfect example of our human ability to re-organize that vacuum structure with our energy and intentions, and thus manifest what we desire directly out of the field for truly miraculous results. The fact that he started to feel better and started to believe that he was healed is, I suggest, the key to his healing.
Some may want to stick with the belief that God healed this man, and I would agree to you. But you and I would probably disagree on the nature of this God. For I contend that you are god, as are we all, because the force we call God is the energy and infinite consciousness behind creation, and thus when we tap into ourselves as pure consciousness, i.e. without thought through meditation, then we open ourselves to the infinitude of our own awareness because we inseparably are that infinite creative consciousness. We are it and it is us.
And when we open up to that energy, we allow ourselves to be flooded with a “powerful sense of well-being” and knowing which has astounding power to create reality, and directly affects our biology.

The Body as a Projection of Consciousness

I want you to really internalize the understanding that reality is flashing in and out of form. This is absolutely crucial in understanding our ability to heal, because if half of the time we are formless, then (1) Who are we really, because obviously our bodies and the material world is illusory to a degree; and (2) What is the blueprint which is guiding the rearrangement of our bodies each time we quite literally re-materialize?
The answer to both questions would be consciousness. Our bodies are a holographic projection of our consciousness, and they are the sum total of our beliefs about ourselves. If we can change our beliefs about ourselves, and thus if we can change the energy that defines our human energy field, then we can change the energetic blueprint which our body aligns with as it re-materializes back into form 1044 times per second.
(The exact structure and dynamics of our consciousness which make us both a fractal and holographic expression of this infinite God-consciousness can be found in Nassim Haramein’s Holofractographic Universe theory, and in his work Crossing the Event Horizon.)
Deepak Chopra told a story that illustrates this perfectly in his book, How to Know God. A friend of his injured his foot while working out in a gym because he was unaccustomed to using one of the machines and strained it. The pain in his foot increased over the next few days, and he found it increasingly difficult to walk, so upon “medical examination it was found that he had a common ailment known as planar fasciitis, in which the connecting tissue between the heel and the front of the foot had been stretched or torn.” (How to Know God, p.221)
His friend decided not to have surgery and instead to tough it out, but in time he found it so painful and difficult to walk that he sought out a Chinese Healer in desperation. This Chinese man was ordinary by appearance, and gave “no evidence of being mystical or spiritual, or in any way gifted in healing.” The injured friend of Deepak Chopra continues:
“After gently feeling my foot, he stood up and made a few signs in the air behind my spine. He never actually touched me, and when I asked what he was doing, he simply said he was turning some switches in my energy field. He did this for a minute or so and then asked me to stand up. I did, and there was no sensation of pain, not the slightest. You have to remember that I had limped in, barely able to walk.”
He continues:
“In complete amazement I asked him what he had done. He told me that the body was an image projected by the mind, and in a state of health the mind keeps this image intact and balanced. However, injury and pain can cause us to withdraw our attention from the affected spot. In that case, the body image starts to deteriorate; its energy patterns become impaired, unhealthy. So the healer restores the correct pattern – this is done instantly, on the spot – after which the patient’s own mind takes responsibility for maintaining it that way.” (How to Know God, p.222)
This story has fascinated and inspired me ever since I heard it. As we have seen, reality is flashing in and out of existence innumerable times every second, oscillating between form and formlessness, and quantum physics knows that our thoughts and beliefs influence the quantum reality which is the source of the material world. Therefore it is only natural to assume an energetic and formless source for all of creation, including our physicality.
I think it is absolutely clear that we must start to consider ourselves as more than a physical body. In truth it is much more coherent to think of ourselves as a luminous energy field organizing ourselves in a body, or as pure consciousness manifesting and temporarily experiencing this level of reality through our bodies. New evidence is clearly illustrating that our mind is non-local and is independent of the brain, which means it doesn’t need the brain, or the body for that matter, to exist.[1]
We are so much more than we think we are, and infinitely more than we have been lead to believe. The next step that we have to take, moreover, the next step in our human evolution now involves us learning how to use and hone this power we have to influence reality and literally manifest anything we want directly out of the field, from a new hip, to perhaps better eyesight, or a fit and healthy body, all the way to a new life.
But how is this done?

Healing Your Field, Healing Your Body

To heal, all that we need to do is purify our energy so that the energetic projection of our body is unobstructed. Then our atoms and molecules can align perfectly to this structure because there is no energetic interference to disrupt the image of our body as projected by our consciousness.
We do this by getting in the gap between our thoughts, where our beliefs no longer affect our reality, for, when we are not thinking, we are also free of beliefs and expectations. And by doing this we are aligning ourselves with universal principles, and matching our energy with the energies coming directly from the field of all-possibility – those high frequency energies of love, kindness, inspiration, passion, joy, and so on.
The first step is to consider the possibility that we are not only energy, but that there is infinite energy all around us which we can consciously tap into to promote healing in our body and mind, to become a more happy, healthy, vibrant and creative being. As soon as you start to connect to the infinite energy of creation and your own true nature as formless energy, then you start to become aware of these energies in your body which returns the projection of your body to its natural state.
The projection of your body can only be disrupted by a disturbance in your energy field – your consciousness - caused by unbalanced thoughts and emotions, and limiting beliefs. Our luminous energy field is naturally vibrant, and our energy naturally flows unhindered as a powerful stream of consciousness, but the lower levels of consciousness, which we have been conditioned to live in as part of our social indoctrination, disrupt this flow which if left unhindered would express its perfection everywhere.
Another key concept to understand is that your body is always regenerating. In a talk of Deepak Chopra’s that I listened to, he pointed out that atoms do not age. They do not die, and the same atoms that existed at the big bang around 14 billion years ago exist to this day, some of which are even within you.
Every year 98% of the atoms in your body are exchanged for ‘new’ atoms. You are constantly dying, and being reborn, and literally transforming at the atomic and molecular levels. Every three days you have a new stomach lining, every month you have new skin, every three months you have a new skeleton. And every year you have almost an entirely new body (Deepak Chopra from Living Beyond Miracles with Wayne Dyer).
Deepak Chopra described it beautifully by saying that our atoms “are like migrating birds”. They are not permanent, they are completely independent, and are drifting through space and time and merely being organized into structures such as our bodies by none other than our energy field which organizes them as a magnetic field organizes metal filings, only slightly more complex.
What more proof do we need in order to start looking at our bodies differently, and in general looking at the mechanism of health itself in a new light?
None of the raw materials that form your physical body age, moreover, they are constantly changing. Therefore I ask this of you. Is it really you that is changing? And what is the force that organizes these atoms and molecules back where they are supposed to be, and makes sure that they perfectly and harmoniously continue to do their jobs even while your cells and atoms are migrating by the billions?
Your body is not the real you. Your body is merely a projection of what you believe yourself to be. If you could discover that you are pure consciousness, and that who you really are is an infinite creative awareness that is manifesting reality and co-creating reality with other aspects of yourself (because every being is an expression of the infinite universal consciousness we have labelled as God), then you can start to take complete control over your body, your health, and your life.
Chronic pain, disease, illness, or the old injuries that you have in your body are not actually in your body, they are in your mind. More specifically, they are a function of your perception. Your atoms are always changing, and your molecules are too, but as new atoms come and as new molecules are formed, and as you flash in and out of existence, your energetic field is telling them where to go, what to do, and how to align with one another.
Therefore, you are holding disease, illness, pain, and injuries within your consciousness, and thus, they are imprinted in your energetic field, and only then do they proceed to manifest in your physiology.
If this is the case, then not only is our health completely under our willful control, but the rate at which we age may even be under our control as well. Now I am not suggesting that we can be immortal, because we already are as infinite beings of consciousness. What I am suggesting is that in a time long forgotten, and in the near future, human beings have had and will realize again the ability to live from this field, and live consciously from their nature as luminous beings of pure energy.
At that time human beings will realize that the body is a manifestation of our highest self, and we can not only consciously manifest anything in life, but anything in our bodies as well. And one day we will reach a point where we can continually regenerate our bodies at will because we live from the field of infinite energy, and thus our bodies simply operate at a higher frequency so that we can live in them until our work is completed and we choose to move on.
Fantastic? Yes. But these changes are noticeable within the human body and mind even after a little bit of practice and training, so decide to feel and experience it for yourself, and learn how to meditate. This is what evidence is clearly suggesting and my own experience also indicates to be true. The only hindrance to tapping into this nature of the universe is your own conscious awareness, your level of attention, and your beliefs.
Our ability to heal is directly related to our level of attention and our level of belief. For example we can heal ourselves of any affliction, illness, disease, or injury that is possible so long as we have absolute certainty, a knowing, that we will be healed. This is directly achieved by accessing the most fundamental level of reality through deep meditation.
This is because at the fundamental level of reality, anything is possible, and the restructuring of reality is dictated entirely by our beliefs and expectations. We are pure energy, and there is infinite potential in that energy. It is entirely up to us what we choose to manifest out of the field in our lives and in our bodies.
You have no limitations, and nothing is impossible. It is only your beliefs which dictate what you can and cannot do.
“Miracles happen, not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.” - St. Augustine

About the Author

West is the creator of Project Global Awakening. A website dedicated to the research of a variety of scientific and spiritual disciplines, and applying that knowledge to help you live an inspired life and change the world. Follow Project Global Awakening on Facebook, and Twitter.
Sources: - [1] Exploring the Nature of Mind and our Holographic Brain, from
Credits: Waking Times

A new study estimates that our galaxy may contain 100 million planets that could support complex life forms.
A research team from the University of Texas, El Paso, studied more than 1,000 exoplanets regarding a number of characteristics that are considered important for sustaining multicellular life, such as density, chemical composition, temperature, age, and distance from the parent star, and formulated a “biological complexity index”, whose values ​​range between 0 and 1.
The estimation showed that 1,6% of planets had a higher BCI than Jupiter’s moon Europa, which is considered to have good chances of hosting life. At the same time, five exoplanets (each of which is orbiting around a red dwarf star) got a higher score than Mars. Therefore, averaging one planet per star, it would mean that out of the 10 billion stars in the Milky Way there are at least 100 million planets better suited for life than Europa.
As Dr. Louis Irwin, the lead author of the study and professor at the University of Texas, claimed, “this is the first study that relies on observable data from actual planetary bodies beyond our solar system”. However, it still cannot be said for sure whether complex multicellular life exists on any of these planets, while the study only confirms the fact that they have the conditions that may be favorable for life. Dr. Irwin also emphasized that it is not assumed that any life form on these planets would be intelligent, but only that there could exist organisms larger and more complex than microorganisms.
“Planets with the highest BCI values tend to be larger, warmer, and older than Earth, so any search for complex or intelligent life that is restricted just to Earth-like planets, or to life as we know it on Earth, will probably be too restrictive,” said the researcher.
Another challenge is that most planets with a high probability of having complex life are far away. That is, if the 100 million planets were randomly distributed across the galaxy, their average distance from Earth would be equal to about 24 light years. An example of such planet is the Gliese 581, which is located at a distance of 20 light years from us.
On the one hand, it seems highly unlikely that we are alone. On the other hand, we are likely so far away from life at our level of complexity, that a meeting with such alien forms is extremely improbable for the foreseeable future,” concluded Dr. Irwin.


Anna LeMind of - Staff Writer For The Mind Unleashed
Hi, I like learning new things and sharing my knowledge with others! I post science, psychology, self improvement and other related topics. Add me to your circles on Google Plus or follow me on Twitter to stay updated on my new articles.
Original study:

Sunday, June 8, 2014


space sounds

Did you know that planets and stars actually give off music?  Although space is a virtual vacuum, this does not mean there is no sound in space.  Sounds still exists in the form of electromagnetic vibrations and can be detected using specially designed instruments developed by NASA.
These amazing ambient space sounds come from electronic vibrations of the planets, moons and rings, electromagnetic fields of the planets and moons, planetary magnetosphere, trapped radio waves bouncing between the planet and the inner surface of it’s atmosphere, charged particle interactions of the planet, it’s moons and the solar wind, and from charged particle emissions from the rings of certain planets.
Looking into outer space, we often assume it would be absolutely silent. Little do we realize that the universes is teeming with planetary music.  The sounds these planets give off are absolutely breathtaking.  Enjoy!

OM as Proof of Heaven? A Brain Neurosurgeon’s Journey Into the Afterlife

Do we have a soul? Is there life after death?  In a society where science and empirical testing have taken over as requirements for truth, the idea of there being a life after death is sometimes thought of as wishful thinking.  The afterlife, however, is something that has been experienced by countless people since recorded history who have returned to tell their tales, with the most noteworthy account experienced first-hand by Harvard trained brain neurosurgeon of 25 years, Dr. Eben Alexander.
Before his experience, he did not believe existence of a non-physical spirit. Trained in western medical school and surrounded by medical colleagues who are deeply invested in the materialism view of the universe, he thought that the idea of a soul was outlandish.  Dr. Alexander changed his mind after he was in a coma for seven days caused by severe bacterial meningitis and experienced a vivid journey into the afterlife. He was guided by an beautiful angelic being and shown the Divine Source, which he referred to as “Om”.
He then returned to his physical body, experienced a miraculous healing, and went on to write the NY Times #1 best selling book “Proof of Heaven.” What Dr. Alexander confirms is that our life on planet Earth is a “test” of personal growth, and that the way to make progress in this test is to overcome evil while spreading love and compassion. Here are some other notable points he made:
- The experience of the afterlife was so “real” and expansive that the experience of living as a human on Earth seemed like an artificial dream by comparison.
The fabric of the afterlife was pure LOVE. Love dominated the afterlife to such a huge degree that the overall presence of evil was infinitesimally small. If you wish to know the Universe, know Love.
- In the afterlife, all communication was telepathic. There was no need for spoken words, nor even any separation between the self and everything else happening around you. All the questions you asked in your mind were immediately answered to you telepathically as well.
When asked what he wants everyone to know about the spiritual realm, he always answers saying that you are precious and infinitely loved more than you can possibly imagine. You are always safe. You are never alone. The unconditional and perfect Love of God neglects not one soul.
Love is, without a doubt, the basis of everything. Not some abstract, hard-to-fathom kind of love but the day-to-day kind that everyone knows-the kind of love we feel when we look at our spouse and our children, or even our animals. In its purest and most powerful form, this love is not jealous or selfish, but unconditional.
This is the reality of realities, the incomprehensibly glorious truth of truths that lives and breathes at the core of everything that exists or will ever exist, and no remotely accurate understanding of who and what we are can be achieved by anyone who does not know it, and embody it in all of their actions.”
Eben’s neocortex was completely nonfunctional during the time of his coma do to his severe bacterial meningitis, so there is no scientific account for why he experienced this.  The DMT explanation is also not valid here, because with his neocortex being disabled, the molecules would have no anchor point to ground themselves in.   In fact, gives refutations to 9 different possible scientific explanations for his experience in his book.  He is living proof of an afterlife. “Our spirit is not dependent on the brain or body,” he said. “It is eternal, and no one has one sentence worth of hard evidence that it isn’t.”

Saturday, June 7, 2014



Between 1519 to 1533, the white Christian man discovered and destroyed in a most foul manner, 3 glorious civilizations - the Aztecs of Mexico, Maya of Yuacatan and Guatemala and Inca of Peru.

Historians have time and again tried to decode these civilizations, but have been unsuccessful.

Recently we found a 600000 year old human skull in the Narmada valley Gongwana.  Narmada river is the fountain head of ALL evolution. Meteorites holding DNA ( Shiva lingams ) rained from the sky.
 Maya, Inca and Aztec civilizations were founded by ancient Indians. The Mayan calendar , which everybody knows about , is nothing but a Vedic calendar made by Maya Danava. The Mayan calendar began with the Fifth Great Cycle in 3114 BC and will end on 21 December 2012 AD. In Surya Siddhantam, Maya described how eclipses were caused..

Both the Hindus and S Americans used similar items in their worship rituals. They both maintained the concept of four Yuga cycles, or cosmological seasons, extending over thousands of years, and conceived of twelve constellations with reference to the sun as indicated by the Vedic-Incan sun calendar.

 The ancient Hindus mainly used lunar calendars but also used solar calendars. In the ancient days Indians were the first to do astronomy and astrology. Every other civilization just copied and mirrored , several thousands of years later.

 The Indus Valley inhabitants followed a calendar based on the movements of Jupiter Brihaspathi , and the Mayans followed one based on the Venus Shukra .

The Mayan calendar was made by the Asura Maya Danava, who ran away to Palala . Palata is Vedic lore is the nether world--underneath the ground. For a global earth this translated to the area of these 3 civilizations. 

 Maya Danava went to Peru on his own Vimana which was a spacecraft. He had designed several of these spacecrafts for Kubera.   Lord Kubera, the brother of King Ravana had several Vimanas, and he had gifted him one in return for services rendered.  Maya was an architect and a metallurgist par excellence-- he was a magician literally with palaces. He was the architect of Tripura ( Atlantis ) and the Lanka palace of Kubera which was usurped by his half brother Ravana along with the Pushpaka Vimana. After the Ramayana war in 4300 BC, this vimana ( flying saucer with mercury plasma gyroscope vortex ) was returned back to its rightful owner Kubera by Lord Rama.

Maya was arm twisted by Arjuna in a foul manner, to build the amazing Indraprasta Mahasabha for Yuddhisthira. In the ancient days having the best palace among all kings had its own glory and held the awe factor for respect. Mayasabha was a palace of illusions. Maya means illusion in Sanskrit. 

Guest king Duryodhana was circumspect while walking thorough, unable to figure out which is solid and which is liquid, causing Draupadi to laugh loudly in sarcasm from the balcony. Then King Duryodhana to preserve his honour, walked with less caution and fell headlong into a pool of water, and Draupadi laughed again in sarcasm--this time louder.  Duryodhana came out of the pool dripping wet and shouted at her " This laugher will cost you dear!". This was the root cause for the Mahabharata war in 4000 BC.

Maya Danava was a descendant of Danu, one of Kasyapa‘s 13 wives and a daughter of Dakhsa Prajapati. Maya’s grandson ( Mandodari’s son) Meghanada, defeated Indra and was called Indrajit.Maya’s sons Dundhubi and Mayavi were killed by the Vanara, Vali. Maya’s son-in-law Ravana was defeated by Lord Rama in the Ramayana war.

Maya is the author of Surya Siddhantam, which he learnt directly from an Amsa of Surya Deva, where he describes the Heliocentric  model . Maya had accurately arrived at the orbital periods of visible planets, their distance from Earth and their diameters.  In the Surya Siddhanta, a work dealing with astronomy he had described about the results of his analysis. 'Surya' means 'Sun' and 'Siddhanta' means 'theory'.

The British made a big hue and cry when German Jew Sir Frederick William Herschel ( 1738-1822 ) "discovered " Uranus on March 13th 1781--  hi hi the stupid Indians never knew all this. .   Indian Vedic astrology does NOT use Uranus (Shweta ) Neptune ( Shyama) Pluto ( Teevra )- as named in 7000 year old Vedas Vyasa Muni , just because they are too far away to affect your DNA and they stay in one single rashi for too long. 
Ptolemy came to India in 155 AD, and he stole from the astronomical data from Surya Siddhanta (12.85-90) , the most significant being the diameters of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn . You must understand that these diameters were calculated more thas 6 millenniums ago when even the atmospheric refraction of earth was different. 

Much before Pythagoras came to India and stole his theorem.

Maya is mentioned 23 times in the Ramayana, and 61 times in the Mahabharata.   A unique reason for glory and legacy indeed. He was the acharya of all the Mayavis ( sorcerers ).

Maya Danava was a descendant of Danu, one of Kasyapa‘s 13 wives and a daughter of Dakhsa Prajapati.
 Maya Danava was in the Khandava forest,  at the outskirts of New Delhi,  to build for Takshaka the Naga king.  This was the opportunity Arjuna in collusion with Lord Krishna looked for. They set fire to the mighty forest which was reputed to hold every specimen of flora and fauna. In this gruesome deliberate fire everything died except Takshaka's Aswasena son and 4 sarnagaka birds.  Maya was conveniently saved by Lord Krishna.

Out of sheer gratitude Asura Maya Danava asked , how he can ever repay Arjuna. Immediately Lord Krishna trapped him.  "Let a palatial Sabha (meeting hall) as thou choosest, be built by thee, if thou, O son of Diti, who art the foremost of all artists, desirest to do good to Yudhishthira the just (Mbh.2.1)".

 Krishna told Arjuna "Your city has been constructed by Vishwakarma and is truly beautiful. However, the Indraprastha palace is much too plain for such a wonderful city. Let a palatial meeting hall be constructed for Yudhishtra the just. Maya Danava is the best person to construct it, being the architect of the Asuras."Maya measured out a plot of land five thousand cubits square and began the construction. Soon the peerless palace of great beauty encrusted with diamonds was completed. The columns of this palace were made of gold. Maya appointed 8000 asuras called Kinkaras to guard this palace. Inside the palace, there were many amazing devices. It took the Maya just fourteen months to complete this building. Everything was made as per the principles of Vaastu.

In Indian history, Mayan appears several times, most significantly as the author of Mayamatam, "Concept of Mayan" which is a Vastu Shastra, a text on art, architecture and town planning.

 Narada on hearing of this palace hall came to visit , and he cried "O Child, I have never seen nor heard ever before, neither among men, nor among the gods, any assembly room built of gems and precious stones like this hall of thine. I have been to the hall of Indra, it is not equal to yours. I have been to the hall of Yama that shines like burnished gold, but it is inferior to this hall in beauty. I have visited Pushakaramalini, the hall of Varuna, floating in the waters, but it is not equal to yours. The hall of Kubera certainly displays his immense wealth, but is not as beautiful as yours. I have been to the hall of Lord Brahma, the grandsire of all beings, where the Prajapatis offer him worship, but its splendor is nothing to yours. I have seen all these assembly halls O King, but without question, your hall is the best that ever was."

In India, even modern architects learn Maya Danava's Vaastu as part of their syllabus. They perceive existence in terms of two dimensions: first the infinite spiritual realm and second the finite accommodating space for insentient material objects. This concept of a superior plane of existence, where the original form of things exist eternally, is the basis of India's sacred architecture.

Vaastu shastra prescribes desirable characteristics for sites and buildings based on flow of energy called Vaastu Purusha.

Vaastu Shastra which is considered a conduit between man and nature is based on the infinite powers of the five elements – fire, water, earth, and air and space. It essentially deals with two energy sources – the solar energy flux and the geomagnetic energy flux. This science aims at controlling the flow of these two energies by selecting proper directions and alignments for the vaastu. Vaastu is basically aimed at harnessing the higher energy levels within the self and can help in various aspects of life. Buildings not constructed as per Vaastu see their decline to ruins much faster than those built otherwise.

I will get back to the science of Vaastu later on. Vaastu is an Indian thing. You have to be VERY surprised when the intricate mathematical and geometrical principles are Vaastu are followed in arhitecture abroad, when all civilizations were wide apart.

Now let me get back to the surprising similarities between Indian civilisations and these South and Central American civilizations. This first Indian contact happened 11000 years ago.

The ancient Mexican game of Patolli is similar in details to the game of Panchisi played in India. The mathematical probability of two games invented separately agreeing by chance in so many specific intricate features, is zilch.  Mexican call a potter "Kumbhar", as Sanskrit word. There are several other similarities.

After Vedic people the Mayas of Yucatan were the first people to use a zero sign in Mathematics. This knowledge came from India, as we had this knowledge thousand of years before them.  All over Mayan civilization you find stone sculptures of Indian Vimanas and people in space suits. They just sculpted what they saw.  The Kundalini snake of Lord Shiva is also depicted.

The elephant on a sculptured pillar at Copan, which he referred to as an “idol”. Is an animal unknown in that country. It is an Indian elephant and NOT an African elephant. Indian elephants are found in Indian elephants as they are conscious creatures. They can see their image in the mirror, which only humans can do. Animals and birds cant see themselves in the mirror.  Few like Bonobos and Chimps can see partially.

Archaeologists found many Hindu deities like Shiva, black meteorite Shiva linga, Lord Ganesha, Goddess Kali, Sun god Surya , Buddha etc. (in similar or slightly different forms) which were worshiped in ancient America.   

Images of Ganesha have been excavated in plenty in Mexico. This god with the elephant's trunk is frequently depicted in Mexican manuscripts . Lord Ganesha 'Ekadant Ganesh' was found in the temple at Kopan .

The image of Hanuman called by the name 'Wilka Huemana' and measuring 50 feet in height and 12 feet in breadth was found in Guatemala. Similar one was found during an excavation of an Aztec temple in Mexico City and was known as 'Euhectal', a wind God, a monkey God.

In the jungles of Honduras idols sit in Hindu mudra meditation pose .

The Hindu doctrine of the ages is found on a massive stone monolith popularly known as the Aztec calendar. This amazing piece of stone disc is 12 feet in diameter and weights more than 20 tons.

A festival called Sita-Ram (Situa - Raimi) was celebrated in Mexico during Nav-Ratri or Dussehra period which has been described on page 5867 in the book 'Hamsworth History of the World'.  

Both in Central and South America, there are found Sati cremation, priesthood, gurukul system, yajna, birth, marriage and death ceremonies to some extent similar to the Hindus. When Pizarro killed Peruvian King Atahualpa his 4 wives committed Sati—or self sacrifice.  

Same with Hindu concepts of cataclysm, rebirth, four yugas and the concept of two planets like Rahu and Ketu causing solar eclipse

The ancient American's dresses (male and female) were simple and similar to those of Hindu dresses. You can mistake a Mexican woman with a Indian woman, with narrow waist , wide feminine hip bones  long black hair and same facial features.

 Ayar Inoa King used to wear a turban, earring and a trishul type trident in his hand.

Vegetarianism exists in these areas as well as Hindu India. They wore cotton which is India's gift to this planet. Indian maize is used in Mexican Tortillas --a form of Chapati.They love their food spicy, like Indians.

Baron Alexander Von Humboldt,  did extensive studies and found similarities between Asian and Mexican astrology.

In 1866, the French architect, Eugene Viollet-le-Duc,  noted striking resemblances between ancient Mexican temples and  and those of South India.

There is amazing similarity between the Hindu Trinity - Brahma- Vishnu- Shiva and the Mexican Trinity Ho- Huitzilopochtli- Tlaloc .

The idols were represented with serpents round their heads, as for Lord Shiva.-basically raised Kundalini.

The Swastika sign of this area , seen on a "huaco" pot had with four dots inside. This is a Vedic sign that you can see on the top of the gates of ancient temples, and even in my home.

 A flying monkey wearing a helmet , holding a mountain in one hand and a club in the other is the same as Hanuman of Ramayana 4300 BC.

In Bolivia and south of Peru, you can see the "La Diablada" ("Demoniac Dance"). This famous festival depicts a very ancient Indian story: two angel-like warriors fight ( Rama and Lakshmana )  against a ten-headed demon ( Ravana of Sri Lanka ) . This demon has a army and the angelical warriors are being helped by animal armies, especially by a society of well organized monkeys., who built the Ram Sethu bridge. Yet our Italian waitress who rules India and her “not so bright” son, thinks this is fanstasy.

INCA OF PERU is “ Child of the sun” in Quechua . In Sanskrit Dinaka has same meaning. Dinakar is a common name in India.

AZTEC OF MEXICO is derived from "worshipper of Ashtabhuja or Ashtak ( 8 armed ) " , the eight armed God- found in Mexican temples.  

No where in the word are multi-armed idols found, except in India.

Trilokinath, the Hindu ruler of the three worlds, was known to the Mexicans by the name, until the Spanish conquerors mistakenly changed the name into Tloque Nahuaque. William MacLeod had written about the similarity between the Mexican volador ritual and the Indian rite of hook-swinging.

Above: Aztec Ganesha ( elephant god )

MAYANS OF GUATEMALA and Yuacatan call Kundalini, as kultunlilni.  Kultunlilni is the vital life force empowering all human growth and development. This crucial life-force is the same as what is known in Hindu cosmology as the serpent power: Kundalini. In a temple in Guatemala is a statue of an incarnation of Vishnu as Kurma, the tortoise. The sculpture is richly and finely detailed and strongly suggests that it can only be done by a pure Hindu Indian.

A wall panel (Panel No. 3 of Temple 0-13, at Piedras Negras, Guatemala; reproduced as Plate 69, page 343 of 'The Ancient Maya' by S.G. Morley) belonging to the Later Classic Stage of Mexican history, associated with the peaking of Maya architecture and sculpture. It depicts the Ramayana. The artistic design and postures of the figures carved can be compared to those found at Ajanta and Ellora caves in India.

The Mexicans throne is same as the Hindu Simhasan (Lion throne).  The Kings wore turbans and travelled in Indian palanquins.

US  Ambassador Miles Poindexter, to Mexico, in his two-volume 1930s treatise The Ayar-Incas called the Mayan civilization "unquestionably Hindu." He said that that primitive Aryan words and people came to South merica across the Pacific ocean . Poindexter gives a long list of words of the Quichua languages and their analogous forms in Indian Sanskrit. He also detailed the similarities between the hymns of the Inca rulers of Peru and Vedic hymns 

Betel-chewing with lime and coca-whew and tobacco, as well as the gourd-container for the lime are common to both people. The Peruvian substitute for tobacco, which was used for medicinal purposes, was a shrub, called cuca (coca).

Mexican temples and idols, as in India, were lavishly decorated with gold and precious stones.

Mayan gods Xiuhtechutli and Xipe Totec have their Vedic counterparts in Indra and Agni. Indra or Xiuhtechutli, is the rain god and guardian of the Eastern Quadrant, and Agni, or Xipe Totec, is the god of sacrificial fire, born in wood and the life force of trees and plants.  Mayas had ceremonies like Namakaranam, Punyaha vachana and Gurukula. They put their offerings to gods in water tanks like Hindus.

The ships made in Kerala never hugged the coast like European ships. These ships which could hold more than thousand people did cross-ocean from South India to West coast of South America. Chinese traveller Fa Hein had written that he himself travelled cross-ocean with 500 others. These ships were made with aged Teak and Rosewood, the best for shipbuilding. 

Our ancient Jataka stories wrote about large Indian ships carrying seven hundred people.  Brahmanda Purana provides the best and most detailed description of world map drawn on a flat surface using an accurate scale. When Vasco da Gama landed in Calicut ( my hometown ) in 1498, the King Zamorin, had whipped out a world map and asked him where he came from,much to his surprise

Lord Ganesha is seen with his vehicle rat in Inca mythology in Peru.  Lord Ganesha was found in temple of Diego Riviera in Mexico City. Hanuman and Lord Shiva can be seen in the Guatemala Museum. Shiva Lingam was found in Vera Cruz and in Mexico City. The Mexican Vishnu holds the traditional Gadha or mace and his Chakra. The image of Vishnu’s tortoise Kurma avatar incarnation is preserved by the United Fruit Line in the museum at Quiragua, Guatemala. They have named this image , the Turtle Stone. Indra and the Vamana (midget Brahmin ) avatar who did in Kerala ( my home state ) Asura King Mahabali can be seen in the Mexican National Museum .

The Maya Codex Tro-Cortesianus shows a tortoise, a central churning rod and a serpent being used as a rope by figures of dark and light shade, which is the Hindu Samudhra Manthan. The tortoise, is, however, on the summit of the mountain pestle instead of being beneath it, and the other form of the serpent god appears above his avatar. Round the mountain-pestle is twisted a snake. Two dark gods, evidently demonic forms of deities, like the Indian Asuras, hold one end of the snake-rope while the other end is grasped by the elephant god Ganesha.

The largest temple in Mexico City was the temple of Lord Shiva, the War God of the Mexican whom the Spanish invaders found entwined by golden snakes. The Mexican temple had the Gopuram South Indian temple MERU style. 

Sir Thomas Stamford Bingley Raflles or the father of Singapore wrote,”The great Hindu temple of Borobudur might readily be mistaken for a Central American Temple. Every page of Peruvian poetry bears the imprint of Ramayana and Mahabharata.”

Mayan crystal skulls could have been carved in ancient times without instruments and tools of today. The most amazing thing was that the ancient skull weighing 5.13 kg, 203.4 mm long and 125.4 mm wide had been made of a whole crystal. This fact contradicted the laws of physics. The research by Hewlett-Packard in 1964 in a special laboratory revealed that the skull had been made long before the first civilizations appeared in that part of America where the skull was found. In addition, rock crystal of such perfect quality could not be found in that area.

Crystal quartz is the same material used in microchips that can hold billions of bits of information. Given that, imagine the amount of info a whole skull can hold.  These  13 Crystal Skulls are  linked to the “Year Zero” or December 21, 2012, the date at which the Mayan Calendar ends.

The rock crystal has a hardness that is slightly lower than that of topaz, corundum, and diamond; it can be cut with diamonds only. It is astonishing, but the ancient Mayans managed to cut it somehow, and even made a lower jaw with the joints.

Diamonds were found only in India till 1886.

Now let me get back to Vaastu.

 Mayans like Hindus worshiped the very concept of space, specifically a space made according to the modular system. There is a sacred room in the center of the Chidambaram Siva Temple in South India, where space or akasha ( ether ) is worshiped- there is no idol.

The temple structure at the top is exactly 1/4th of the base according to Vastu Vedic principles of Mayan.  The name of the structure is chilambalam, meaning a sacred space. Mayan chilambalam refers to a sacred space, as does Tamil Chidambaram. Yok'hah in Mayan means "on top of truth,"  is what is  yoga in Sanskrit.

Machu Picchu temples and structures follows the Indian Vaastu. The layout of these structures, locations for doors, windows, proportions of width to length, roof styles, degree of slopes for roofs, column sizes, wall thicknesses, etc., all conform completely to the principles and guidelines as prescribed in the Vastu Shastras of Maya Danava in India. Residential layouts are identical to those found in Mohenjodaro.

The temple layouts are identical to those that he is building today and that can be found all over India.Maya Danava advocated the use of an eight-by-eight square, for a total of 64 units, which is known as the Vastu Purusha Mandala. The buildings were oriented toward certain points of the compass, also a principle of Maya, rather than randomly placed. Also the lengths of buildings were never more than twice their width, as Maya Danava stipulated.

The sculptures were similar or identical to India, such as the earrings, ear plugs, teeth, head dresses, even buckles around the waist. There are bas reliefs of priests sitting in lotus posture meditating.

 As in Mayan buildings, Indians have been using lime mortar for all of their stone and brick buildings. This can been seen in the monumental creations in Mahabalipuram and also in the South Indian temples.. The outer surfaces were plastered, embellishments worked out in lime mortar, then painted.

The size of plots, position of doors and windows, proportions, form of roofs, inclination angles of roofs, diameter of columns, width of walls etc. are perfectly in accordance with the rules of Vaastu. 

 As per Vaastu , the best location to build a temple is at a tirtha(holy place), which is  a ford or crossing place from this world to the above-a point of marriage between transcendence and the mundane. A tirtha provides a crossing place for the upward journey of the soul and a place for the downward crossing-for the crossing of higher entities who sometimes descend to this world for the good of mankind.

In Indian architecture, the dwelling is itself a shrine. A home is called manushyalaya, literally, "human temple". It is not merely a shelter for human beings in which to rest and eat. The concept behind house design is the same as for temple design, so sacred and spiritual are the two spaces. The "open courtyard" system of house design was the national pattern in India before Western models were introduced. The s is called Brahmasthanam, meaning the "nuclear energy field". It should be kept unbuilt and open to the sky so as to have contact with the outer space (akasha). 

The northeast quarter is called Isanya, the southeast Agni, the southwest Niruthi and northwest Vayu. These are said to possess the qualities of four respective devatas or gods—Isa, Agni, Niruthi and Vayu. Accordingly—with due respect to ecological friendliness with the subtle forces of the spirit—those spaces (quarters) are assigned as follows: northeast for the home shrine, southeast for the kitchen, southwest for the master bedroom and northwest for the storage of grains. 

Energy is primarily considered as emanating from the center of the building. It originates from subtle earth energy called Vaastu Purusha and subtle cosmic energy (Unified Field) called Vastu Purusha which meet in the center of the building and then spread outward in all directions. these two energies unite and form the five elements which then distribute in the for corner zones. This energy is a mixture of Vaastu energy, which is subtle energy from the earth, and Vastu energy which is subtle energy from Consciousness itself. 

Even my home is made as per principles of Vaastu. Let me quote a few among hundreds of rules.

Only new material should be used for the construction of the building.

Dig a well in N-E direction and use this ground water for the construction of the house.
One must paint his/her house in light colors avoiding red and black for bringing prosperity.
Doors must be opened at inner side of the house not at outer side as it brings luck and positive energy in the house.
 The guest room should be at the North-West side of the house and closer to the living room and at the front side of the house. 
While placing the bed make sure that you do not sleep with your head to the north side as that will create a repelling magnetic force in your blood stream that will cause disruption in sleep. You can sleep with you head towards any other side, but the best side to keep your head while sleeping is south. 
The safe should be placed in south west side and it should be opened in the north direction. You need to keep the north east side empty.
The NE side of the plot ( kanni moola ) must be raised and kept free of garbage.

It must be noted that the Spanish grossly magnified and exaggerated the bad points of these great cultures (like human sacrifices). It was selective reporting and vested interpretation to paint them in bad light and to show that Christianity did them a great favour in converting them from uncouth pariahs to cultured humans.

After the Spanish conquest, the first Bishop of Mexico, Juan de Zumarraga, burned all the records of the Library of Texcoco in Tlateloco market square as "the work of the Devil," and religious fanatics destroyed temples and statues. Fray Diego de Landa, the second Bishop of Yucatan, following the pattern, reduced the Maya Library in Yucatan to ashes in 1562. Bishop Diego da Landa burnt a huge bonfire of valuable documents and nothing but the three codices of 'Chilam Balam' could survive the holocaust....

"We found a large number of their books of these letters, and because they did not have anything in which there was not superstition and falsehoods of the devil, we burned them all, which they felt very sorry for and which caused them grief."

It was Landa that gave the orders for all the Mayans to bring all manuscripts to the public squares in Mani to be burned. All these books contained what would now be priceless information on astronomy, medicine, religion, and philosophy. The burning of manuscripts continued for decades. Soldiers were encouraged to ransack palaces, public buildings, and private houses to find manuscripts.

Pablo Jose de Arriaga, the head of the Jesuit College in Peru, in almost unparalleled fanaticism, caused the systematic and wholesale destruction of all state archives, customs records, royal and imperial archives, codes of laws, temple archives, and historical records. Less than a score of manuscripts escaped annihilation.
These libraries contained records of ancient Vedic history, medicine, astronomy, science, religion, and philosophy.

Below: The ancient Mayan had seen Indian Vimanas and recorded it on stone.

A German linguist Kurt Schildmann, a native of Heiderhof, says his study of ancient inscriptions discovered in the caves of Peru and the United States shows that they are similar to ancient Indus Valley Sanskrit, suggesting that Indians in Vimanas reached the Americas thousands of years ago.  He describes the Indus civilization as a forerunner of all other world civilizations. While doing "epigraphic research" on the Crespi collection of Cuenca, Peru, Schildmann discovered Sanskrit in inscriptions found in Peru and in the Burrows cave in southern Illinois.  

He also deciphered an icon found in the Burrows' cave, on which he said many details depicted the "wisdom of the Indus culture".  Schildmann was struck by the drawing of an elephant on top of a "Pyramid", with three lines of a legend.  He deciphered the legend as "PIL", that was 6000 years old ancient Sanskrit word for an elephant.  He concluded, the ancient Indian engraved texts on gold plates and hid them to honor the gods and address the succeeding generations.   Elephants are not found in Peru and USA.   In 1821 a man  Joseph Smith found these plates , considered himself the chosen one and founded the Mormon religion..

Reproduced from CAPT AJIT VADAKAYILoriginal article