Friday, April 25, 2014

INDIA/BHARAT-India – Achievments

  • India was the richest country on earth till the British invasion in the 17th century.
  • India has never invaded any country in her last 10,000 year history.
  • India invented the Number System. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.
  • The world’s first university was established in Takshila in 700BC. More than 10,000 students from all over the world studied over 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century BC was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.
  • Sanskrit is the mother of all European languages. Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software (report in Forbes magazine, July 1987)
  • Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to man. Charaka, the father of medicine consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago. Today Ayurveda is fast regaining its rightful place in society.
  • The art of Navigation was born in the river Sindh 6000 years ago. The very word ‘Navigation’ is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH. The word navy is also derived from Sanskrit ‘Nou’.
  • Bhaskaracharya calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the sun hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart. Time taken by earth to orbit the sun: (5th century) 365.258756484 days.
  • The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana and he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century long before the European mathematicians.
  • Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus came from India; Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11th century; The largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 (10 to the power 6) whereas Indians used numbers as big as 1053 (10 to the power of 53) with specific names as early as 5000 BC during the Vedic period. Even today, the largest used number is Tera 1012 (10 to the power of 12).
    • According to the Gemological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds to the world.
    • USA based IEEE has proved what has been a century-old suspicion in the world scientific community that the pioneer of Wireless communication was Prof. Jagdeesh Bose and not Marconi.
    • The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra, Gujarat (Western India). According to Saka King Rudradaman I of 150BC a beautiful lake called ‘Sudarshana’ was constructed on the hills of Raivataka during Chandragupta Maurya’s time.
    • Chess (Shataranj or Ashtapada) was invented in India.
    • Sushruta is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago he and health scientists of his time conducted complicated surgeries like cesareans, cataract, artificial limbs, fractures, urinary stones and even plastic surgery and brain surgery. Usage of anesthesia was well known in ancient India. Over 125 surgical implements were used. A deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology, etiology, embryology, digestion, metabolism, genetics and immunity is also found in many texts.
    • When many cultures were nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established the Harappan culture in the Sidhu Valley (Indus Valley Civilization).
    • The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC.
    Notable Quotes:::
    • Albert Einstein said: We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.
    • Mark Twain said: India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most structive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only.
    • French scholar Romain Rolland said: If there is one place on the face of the earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India.
    • Hu Shih, former Ambassador of China to USA said: India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border.
    • When the Maharaja of Patiala was snubbed by snooty British salesmen at a Rolls Royce showroom in the U.K., he hit back by buying up the entire consignment of 50 vehicles on display and turning them into garbage trucks back home. An English paper printed a picture and the story that made company representatives scurrying to Patiala with an olive branch.

    Speed of Light as in the Rig Veda.

    Speed of Light as found in the Rig Veda.

    “Sayana ,Sāyaṇācārya 1315- 1387) was an important commentator on the Vedas. He flourished under King Bukka I and his successor Harihara II,

    in the Vijayanagar Empire of South India.

    He was the son of Māyaṇa, and the pupil of Vishnu Sarvajna and of Samkarananda.

    More than a hundred works are attributed to him, among which are commentaries on nearly all parts of the Veda; some were carried out by his pupils, and some were written in conjunction with his brother Mādhava or Vidyāraṇya-svāmin
    Hs works were edited by Max Mueller.

    Whale commenting on The Rig Veda, Sayana explains about the Speed/Velocity of Light’

    Regarding Speed of Light:

    There are 2 quotes. I will try to reproduce as given in the book:

    taraNirvishvadarshato jyotiShk^Ridasi sUrya | vishvamAbhAsi rochanam |

    Oh Sun! (You) overwhelm all in speed, visible to all, source of light. (You) shine pervading the Universe.

    tathA cha smaryata yojanAnAM sahasram dve dve shate dve cha yojane | ekena nimiShArdhena kramamANa namo&stu te ||

    It is remembered (that) Salutations to Thee (sun), the traveller of 2.202 yojanas in half a nimiSha.

    Rg-veda-samhitA, maNDalam 1, sUktam 50, mantraH 4 (6000 DCE) sAyanAchArya’s commentary (14th century AD)

    “tatha ca smaryate yojananam. sahasre dve dve sate dve ca yojane ekena nimishardhena kramaman”
    तथा च स्मर्यते योजनानां सहस्त्रं द्वे द्वे शते द्वे च योजने एकेन निमिषार्धेन क्रममाण नमोऽस्तुते॥
    “[O Sun,] bow to you, you who traverse 2,202 yojanas in half a nimesha.”.
    Explaining this,
    Vartak in his Scientific Knowledge in the Vedas (1995, p. 95).[3]
    • 1 yojana is said to comprise either 4 or 8 krosha (a cry or shout, or the range of the voice in calling); and 1 krosha (or goruta ~ as far as a cow’s lowing may be heard, or a bull’s roar) may represent either 1000 or 2000 daNDa (a rod or staff), and 1 danda represents 1 pauruSa (a man’s length) which equals 1 dhanvantara (bow-string) or dhanu (bow). 1 yojana measures either 4,000 or (more likely) 8,000 dhanus. Assuming that 1 paurusha is 6 ft long, then 1 yojana must represent a distance of about 14.6 km (or about 9 miles, as suggested by Monier-Williams).
    • nimesa means shutting the eye or winking, and as a measure of time it is a wink of the eye or a moment. The Arthashastra (c. 300 BC) defines 1 nimesa as 1/360,000th of a day and night, i.e. 0.24 seconds.
    • Given that 1 yojana is between 14.6 and 16.4 km, 2,202 yojanas must represent between 32,149 and 36,113 km. Half a nimesha is 0.12 seconds. Sayana thus gives the “speed of the Sun” as between 267,910 and 300,940 km/sec, i.e. the same order of magnitude as the speed of light at 299,792 km/sec.”(wiki)

    . The units are well-known.

    For example, the Indian epic “Mahabharata”, conservatively dated to 400 BC – 400 AD, defines 1 nimesha to be equal to 16/75.3 seconds; 1 yojana is about 9 miles.

    This is the same as Modern Science on the Speed of Light: in fact more precise !

    There s objection to this that Sayana says this about the movement of the Sun and not Light.

    My point is that Hinduism speaks in allegories.

    If they were speaking directly then with so much of calculations they would not be saying that the Sun has Seven Horses, which are the colors of
    Light, VIBGYOR.

    The Sun is an allegory for Light Energy( At the same time a Personal God, shall be posting later on this)

    So Sayana was referring to Light.

    What are the chances of Interpolations/Fraud?

    Substituting in Sayana’s statement we get 186,536 miles per second. Unbelievable, you’d say! It cannot be the speed of light.

    Maybe it refers to the speed of the sun in its supposed orbit around the earth.

    But that places the orbit of the sun at a distance of over 2,550 million miles.

    The correct value is only 93 million miles and until the time of Roemer the distance to the sun used to be taken to be less than 4 million miles. This interpretation takes us nowhere.
    What about the possibility of fraud? Sayana’s statement was printed in 1890 in the famous edition of Rigveda edited by Max Muller, the German Sanskritist.

    He claimed to have used several three or four hundred year old manuscripts of Sayana’s commentary, written much before the time of Roemer.

    Is it possible that Muller was duped by an Indian correspondent who slipped in the line about the speed? Unlikely, because Sayana’s commentary is so well known that an interpolation would have been long discovered.

    And soon after Muller’s “Rigveda” was published, someone would have claimed that it contained this particular “secret” knowledge.

    The fact that the speed in the text corresponds to the speed of light was pointed out only recently by S.S. De and P.V. Vartak.

    Also a copy of Sayana’s manuscript, dated 1395 AD, is available.

    Further support for the genuineness of the figure in the ancient book comes from another old book, the Vayu Purana.

    This is one of the earliest Puranas, considered to be at least 1,500 years old. (The same reference is to be found in the other Puranas as well.)
    In Chapter 50 of this book, there is the statement that the sun moves 3.15 million yojanas in 48 minutes.

    This corresponds to about 10,000 miles per second if considered as speed of light, and 135 million miles for the distance to the sun,

    if considered as the speed of the sun. Sayana’s speed of light is exactly 18 times greater than this speed of the sun! Mere numerology?

    For the rationalists these numbers are a coincidence.

    Given the significance of these numbers, they’d look very carefully at the old manuscripts of Sayana’s commentary.


    Laws Of Motion Rig Veda Full Moon Image Verses

    Laws Of Motion Rig Veda Full Moon Image Verses

    COMPARE Newton’s Laws of Motion and the Rig Vedic Verses,Hinduism, of over Five Thousand Years.

    Full Moon During Vedic Period
    Below are a number of sky-maps, all with the same legend and in the same format – the red arc is the ecliptic; the constellation boundaries are marked in green; the names of the constellations and the bright stars visible very easily with naked eyes are marked in yellow and red. The first sky map show how the night sky looked like on 10th April, 2000 BC in Arkaim. It was just a day before the full moon nearest to Vernal Equinox. Some of the lunar mansions with very bright stars like Spica, Arcturus, Antares and Shaula are marked on the ecliptic. In 2000 BC Thuban of the Draco constellation was very close to being the Polestar (it was the Polestar around 2800 BC). Due to the precession of equinoxes, discussed in details earlier, different stars, all arranged in a circle, become Polestars at various points of time. Thuban (2800 BC), Polaris (now) and Vega (12000 BC & 14000 AD) are marked in the sky-map. On this particular day, 10th April, the moon is in the nakshatra Anuradha. Source:

    Newton’s Laws of Motion.

    1. First law: When viewed in an inertial reference frame, an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force.[2][3]
    2. Second law: F = ma. The vector sum of the forces F on an object is equal to the mass m of that object multiplied by the accelerationvector a of the object.
    3. Third law: When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body.
    Still simpler.

    I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.

    II. The relationship between an object’s mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.

    III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    Rig Vedic Verses on Laws of Motion.
    The sun has tied Earth and other planets through attraction and moves them around itself as if a trainer moves newly trained horses around itself holding their reins.”
    The first one is Rigveda 10.149.1.This is one of the several Mantras in Vedas that assert that planets move around sun. It says:
    In this mantra,
    Savita = Sun
    Yantraih = through reins
    Prithiveem = Earth
    Aramnaat = Ties
    Dyaam Andahat = Other planets in sky as well
    Atoorte = Unbreakable
    Baddham = Holds
    Ashwam Iv Adhukshat = Like horses.

    The second one Rigveda 8.12.28 details this motion of planet
    “All planets remain stable because as they come closer to sun due to attraction, their speed of coming closer increases proportionately.”
    In this Mantra,
    Yada Te = When they
    Haryataa = Come closer through attraction
    Hari = Closeness
    Vaavridhate = Increases proportionately
    Divedive = continuously
    Vishwa Bhuvani = planets of the world
    Aditte = eventually
    Yemire = remain stable
    (The reference to sun comes from rest of the Mantras in this Sukta before and after this mantra)
    The mantra clearly states that:
    1. Motion of planets around the sun is not circular, even though sun is the central force causing planets to move (Refer previous mantra 10.149.1)
    2. The motion of planets is such that Velocity of planets is in inverse relation with the distance between planet and sun.
    It can be easily shown with the help of Newton’s Second Law that, for a planet revolving around sun in an elliptical orbit, having distance ‘r’ with sun and angle ‘θ’ made between length ‘r’ and any fixed axis, at any instant, following holds true
    From the above, it can be easily shown that derivative of the product of square of distance between sun and planet and rate of change of angle θ, with respect to time, is zero. And thus following relation is obtained (with h as a constant)
    Interestingly, the above relation is nothing but the conservation of angular momentum, observed in cases involving Central Forces! If you replace angular velocity with linear velocity, it leads exactly to the same principle that the Vedic mantra 8.12.28 asserts – that velocity of planets is inversely related to distance from sun!
    Refer the following link for more verses.


    Gayatri Mantra is the Highest mantra of Hinduism.

    Gayatri is a meter and has to be intoned.

    It has to be in Five Padas, Five Groupings.

    Gayatri is the Mother of all Meters,, Gayatrrem Chandasaam Maata,

    Devi Gayatri

    May we meditate on the Glory of the Lord, the Remover of pains and sorrows, the Bestower of happiness, Who has created the universe, and Who is the embodiment of knowledge and light. May the Lord, enlighten our intellect in the right direction by destroying all our sins and ignorance.
    Meaning of each letter in mantra:
    OM = Almighty God
    BHOOR = Embodiment of vital or spiritual energy
    BHUVAHA = Destroyer of suffering
    SWAHA = Embodiment of happiness
    TAT = That (indicating God)
    SAVITUR = Bright, luminous, like and sun
    VARENIYAM = Supreme, best
    BARGO = Destroyer of sins
    DEVASYA = Divine
    DHEEMAHI = May receive
    DHIYO = Intellect
    YO = Who
    NAHA = Our
    PRACHODAYAT = May inspire.
    “May we meditate on the Glory of the Lord, the Remover of pains and sorrows, the Bestower of happiness, Who has created the universe, and Who is the embodiment of knowledge and light. May the Lord, enlighten our intellect in the right direction by destroying all our sins and ignorance.”
    This can be translated: Aum. Let us contemplate the spirit of the divine of the earth, the atmosphere and heaven. May that inspire our minds. Savitri is the Sun and this mantra is recited at the three junctions or twilight of the day. Here is described how the mantra Aum hums in the base or Muladhara chakra, and moves through seven stages to the chakra above the head Sahasrara.

    Maha Vishnu describes Aum as consisting of the following. Bhur is existence, Bhuvah is the elements, Svah is the Atma of everything, Maha is greatness and light, Tat is Brahman (the absolute). Tapah is all knowledge, Satyam is supremacy and internal wisdom. This tantra connects the three letters of Aum to the seven worlds.

    Tat, refers to the first cause of all substance, as fire in the circle of the sun and is supreme Brahman. Savituhu is the source of all living beings. Varenyam is the excellent one who receives adoration.

    Bharga destroys sin. Devasya means it is full of light, while Dheemahi refers to knowledge being golden and always within the sun. Dhiyo means Buddhi. Yo stands for energy (tejas).

    The mantra is divided into three sections of eight letters and four sections of six letters.

    A dhyana (meditation) – Gayatri as having four faces, which are white, yellow, red and black.

    Yet the tantrik tradition has different views of the Gayatri. For example, in the Matrikabhedatantra, there is a couplet, which says a person who knows the Brahman (the absolute) is a Brahmin.

    Gayatri is mother of Vedas. Sadhana of Gayatri mantra is the essence of all Vedas. Even God like Brahma mediates on and performs Jap of Gayatri at the time of twilight.

    Gayatri Jap performed daily for three years realizes God and like air, acquires the power of going where the person wants to go.

    Merely by offering water to the Sun and performing Jap of three thousand Gayatri mantra at the time of twilight, a person becomes adorable by God.

    In Bhavanopanishad, one witness within oneself the effulgent figure of Divine Mother with the different phases of the waxing and waning Moon.
    The Devi is to be meditated upon as of a ruddy complexion, with eyes expansive, as an ocean overflowing with waves of grace, with noose, goad, arrows of flowers and a twig of sugar- cane in her hand, surrounded by Anima and other deities and ultimately as one´s own self.
    1. Complete faith unflinching loyalty backed by a clear heart towards the deity is required for Sadhana.
    2. Do not start Mantra Shakti under any pressure. Trust in God, kindness and patience should be the virtues of a Sadhaka.
    3. Avoid harsh speech, lust, anger, restless thoughts, evil company and egoism.
    Do not get emotional.
    Mantras on hearsay should be avoided, as they must be authentic.
    4. Sadhana done without any specific aim bears fruits early.
    In case you see any miracle, do not fear. Keep your WILL POWER strong and continue your Sadhana.
    All troubles will vanish.
    5. Brahmacharya or celibacy should be observed during Sadhana. In case of failure, do not lose heart. Try it again and again and you will be crowned with success.”
    I will be posting the Text and Meaning of Bhavanopanishad in Tamil and English shortly.

    The right chanting of mantra:

    Since each and every syllable is powerful and it awakens the energy spots in our body care should be taken while chanting the mantra. The right time will be either dawn, noon or dusk. The mantra should be chanted by pausing at four places. They are Om; Bhur bhuva Swaha; Tat Savitur varenyam; Bhatgo devasya dheemahi; Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat. The maximum benefit is attained when one chants it for 108 times but we can chant it for three, nine or eighteen times also as per our convenience and time limitations. 
    For more details on Gayatri,Savitri, Sarasvati, please read my posts and the following Link.

    Gayatri Mantras

    Mother of all Mantras, The Gayatri.

    Ganesha, Hindu God
    Lord Ganesh

    We also have the Sakam Gayatri,.

    While the regular Gayatri is meant for Self realization as the primary goal, our Rishis were aware, that though the regular Gayatri Mantra shall deliver

    other benefits as a side spin-off, ordinary Mortals require specific desires to be fulfilled and they need a special Mantra for a specific desire in Mind.

    These Gaytris are to be addressed to 24 Deities.

    These Gayatris also contain the twenty-four Aksharas when intoned correctly as in regular Gayatri.

    1. Ganesh Gayatri: The repetition of this mantra is done for the destruction of obstacles and to succeed in difficult tasks.
    Om Eka Dandhaya Vidmahe
    Vakratundaya Dhimahi
    Tanno tantihi Prachodayat
    2. Vishnu Gayatri: To develop sustaining power, this mantra is used.
    Om Narayanaya Vidmahe
    Vasudevaya Dhimahi
    Tanno Vishunha Prachodayat
    3. Shiv Gayatri: To invoke auspiciousness, That is to have pure thoughts and high spiritual feelings, this mantra is used.
    Om Panchavaktraya Vidmahe
    Mahadevaya Dhimahi
    Tanno Rudraha Prachodayat
    4. Brahma Gayatri: To increase productiveness, that is to increase the power of creative shakti, this mantra is used.
    Om Chaturmukhaya Vidmahe
    Hansa Rudraaya Dhimahi
    Tanno Brahma Prachodayat
    5. Rama Gayatri: This mantra is used to establish proper conduct and ethical behavior.
    Om Daasharthaye Vidmahe
    Sita Vallabhaya Dhimahi
    Tanno Ramahi Prachodayat
    6. Krishna Gayatri: To bring dynamic energy into one’s lify in order to be able to do anything, intense sadhana is done for this Divine power with this mantra.
    Om Devaki Nandanaya Vidmahe
    Vasudevaya Dhimahi
    Tanno Krishna Prachodayat
    7. Indra Gayatri: To ward off any form of attack, intense sadhana is done for this Divine shakti using this mantra.
    Om Sahasranetraya Vidmahe
    Vajrahastaya Dhimahi
    Tanno Indra Prachodayat
    8. Hanuman Gayatri: When there is a lack of fulfilling one’s duty within oneself, then this mantra is used.
    Om Anjanisutaya Vidmahe
    Vayuputraya Dhimahi
    Tanno Marutih Prachodayat
    9. Surya Gayatri: Worship with this mantra is very beneficial for curing grievous diseases.
    Om Bhaskaraya Vidmahe
    Divakaraya Dhimahi
    Tanno Suryah Prachodayat
    10. Chandra Gayatri: For the removal of suffering and to get peace from dejection and worries, this mantra has been used for the worship of this Divine Shakti.
    Om Shirputraya Vidmahe
    Amrit Tatvaya Dhimahi
    Tanno Chandrah Prachodayat
    11. Yum Gayatri: This is universal prayer to gain fearlessness from death.
    Om Putryaya Vidmahe
    Mahakalaya Dhimahi
    Tanno Yumahah Prachodayat
    12. Varun Gayatri: To develop sweetness and melodiousness at all levels, in speech, action, dealing with others, etc.., this mantra is used.
    Om Jalbimbaya Vidmahe
    Neel Purshaya Dhimahi
    Tanno Varunah Prachodayat
    13. Narayana Gayatri: In order to establish discipline and make people listen to orders, one concentrates on this mantra.
    Om Narayanaya Vidmahe
    Visudevaya Dhimahi
    Tanno Narayanah Prachodayat
    14. Nrishinga Gayatri: This mantra is used in order to acquire this Divine Shakti, which has shown itself to be successful in increasing our efforts and in acquiring bravery.
    Om Ugranrishinghaye Vidmahe
    Vajrankhaya Dhimahi
    Tanno Nrishinghaha Prachodayat
    15. Durga Gayatri: This mantra is used to acquire this Divine Shakti, which is used to gain victory over enemies, attackers and obstacles.
    Om Girijayei Vidmahe
    Shiva Priyayei Dhimahi
    Tanno Durga Prachodayat
    16. Laxmi Gayatri: This is the one Shakti believed to help in acquiring wealth, status, greatness, and fame; therefore, this mantra is used to invoke this Shakti.
    Om Maha Laxmayei Vidmahe
    Vishnupriyayei Dhimahi
    Tanno Laxmi Prachodayat
    17. Radha Gayatri: This is a unique Shakti to fill the activities with the feelings of Divine Love; therefore, this mantra is used to invoke this Shakti.
    Om Vrishbhaanujayei Vidmahe
    Krihsnpriyayei Dhimahi
    Tanno Radha Prachodayat
    18. Sita Gayatri: To develop the Shakti of penance, it is very necessary to do worship with this mantra.
    Om Janak Nandiniyei Vidmahe
    Bhumijayei Dhimahi
    Tanno Sita Prachodayat
    19. Saraswati Gayatri: Learned scholars have said that the use of this mantra can help to increase the Shakti of the intellect and mental sharpness.
    Om Saraswateyei Vidmahe
    Brahmaputriye Dhimahi
    Tanno Devi Prachodayat
    20. Agni Gayatri: This is a famous mantra used to bring effulgence into the life/force of the body and in every activity of love.
    Om Mahajwalyei Vidmahe
    Agnidevaya Dhimahi
    Tanno Agnih Prachodayat
    21. Prithvi Gayatri: This mantra is considered useful in strengthening one’s Shakti to remove wavering of resolve and in bringing steadfastness.
    Om Prithvi Devayei Vidmahe
    Sahasramurtayei Dhimahi
    Tanno Prithvi Prachodayat
    22. Tulsi Gayatri: To remove selfishness, increase selflessness, and make doing selfless service the goal of one’s life, this mantra is very helpful.
    Om Tulsayei Vidmahe
    Vishnu Priyayei Dhimahi
    Tanno Vrinda Prachodayat
    23. Hansa Gayatri: To awaken discrimination, this is a very powerful mantra.
    Om Param Hansaye Vidmahe
    Mahahansaye Dhimahi
    Tanno Hansah Prachodayat
    24. Hayegriva Gayatri: When one is surrounded by fear on all four sides and is in need of courage, then this mantra is used.
    Om Vanishavaraye Vidmahe
    Hayegrivaye Dhimahi
    Tanno Hayegrivah Prachodayat.

    Samput : Samput are some specific words used in the mantra. These can be used at the start, middle or end of the mantra. The samput has great shakti and should be used carefully.
    Gayatri Mantra “Om bhur bhava suha tatsa vetur vareneyam bargo devasyaha dhimi diyo yona parachodayat.” Few words can be added after Om bhur bhava swaha as samput to fulfill various desires. Some samput with their purposes are given below.
    1. Om aeeng kaleeng soo – for proficiency in words.
    2. Om shareeng hareeng shareeng – for wealth and comforts.
    3. Om aeeng hareeng kaleeng – enemies are destroyed, troubles vanish and the individual is blessed with joy and happiness.
    4. Om shareeng hareeng kaleeng – Blessed with progeny.
    5. Om hareeng – Recovery from diseases.
    6. Om aeeng hareeng kaleeng – Protection from all evil forces. Hopes and wishes are realised.

    Sunday, April 20, 2014

    How Buddha was turned Anti Hindu

    Orientalists have started treating Buddhism as a separate religion because they discovered it outside India, without any conspicuous link with India, where Buddhism was not in evidence. At first, they didn’t even know that the Buddha had been an Indian. It had at any rate gone through centuries of development unrelated to anything happening in India at the same time. Therefore, it is understandable that Buddhism was already the object of a separate discipline even before any connection with Hinduism could be made.
    Buddhism in modern India
    In India, all kinds of invention, somewhat logically connected to this status of separate religion, were then added. Especially the Ambedkarite movement, springing from the conversion of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar in 1956, was very driven in retro-actively producing an anti-Hindu programme for the Buddha. Conversion itself, not just the embracing of a new tradition (which any Hindu is free to do, all while staying a Hindu) but the renouncing of one’s previous religion, as the Hindu-born politician Ambedkar did, is a typically Christian concept.
    The model event was the conversion of the Frankish king Clovis, possibly in 496, who “burned what he had worshipped and worshipped what he had burnt”. (Let it pass for now that the Christian chroniclers slandered their victims by positing a false symmetry: the Heathens hadn’t been in the business of destroying Christian symbols.)
    So, in his understanding of the history of Bauddha Dharma (Buddhism), Ambedkar was less than reliable, in spite of his sterling contributions regarding the history of Islam and some parts of the history of caste. But where he was a bit right and a bit mistaken, his later followers have gone all the way and made nothing but a gross caricature of history, and especially about the place of Buddhism in Hindu history.
    The Ambedkarite worldview has ultimately only radicalized the moderately anti-Hindu version of the reigning Nehruvians. Under Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister, Buddhism was turned into the unofficial state religion of India, adopting the “lion pillar” of the Buddhist Emperor Ashoka as state symbol and putting the 24-spoked Cakravarti wheel in the national flag. Essentially, Nehru’s knowledge of Indian history was limited to two spiritual figures, viz. the Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi, and three political leaders: Ashoka, Akbar and himself.
    The concept of Cakravarti (“wheel-turner”, universal ruler) was in fact much older than Ashoka, and the 24-spoked wheel can also be read in other senses, e.g. the Sankhya philosophy’s worldview, with the central Purusha/Subject and the 24 elements of Prakrti/Nature. The anglicized Nehru, “India’s last Viceroy”, prided himself on his illiteracy in Hindu culture, so he didn’t know any of this, but was satisfied that these symbols could glorify Ashoka and belittle Hinduism, deemed a separate religion from which Ashoka had broken away by accepting Buddhism.
    More broadly, he thought that everything of value in India was a gift of Buddhism (and Islam) to the undeserving Hindus. Thus, the fabled Hindu tolerance was according to him a value borrowed from Buddhism. In reality, the Buddha had been a beneficiary of an already established Hindu tradition of pluralism.
    In a Muslim country, he would never have preached his doctrine in peace and comfort for 45 years, but in Hindu society, this was a matter of course. There were some attempts on his life, but they emanated not from “Hindus” but from jealous disciples within his own monastic order.
    So, both Nehru and Ambedkar, as well as their followers , believed by implication that at some point in his life, the Hindu-born renunciate Buddha had broken away from Hinduism and adopted a new religion, Buddhism. This notion is now omnipresent, and through school textbooks, most Indians have lapped this up and don’t know any better. However, numerous though they are, none of the believers in this story have ever told us at what moment in his life the Buddha broke way from Hinduism. When did he revolt against it? Very many Indians repeat the Nehruvian account, but so far, never has any of them been able to pinpoint an event in the Buddha’s life which constituted a break with Hinduism.
    The term “Hinduism”
    Their first line of defence, when put on the spot, is sure to be: “Actually, Hinduism did not yet exist at the time.” So, their position really is: Hinduism did not exist yet, but somehow the Buddha broke away from it. Yeah, the secular position is that he was a miracle-worker.
    Let us correct that: the word “Hinduism” did not exist yet. When Darius of the Achaemenid Persians, a near-contemporary of the Buddha, used the word “Hindu”, it was purely in a geographical sense: anyone from inside or beyond the Indus region. When the medieval Muslim invaders brought the term into India, they used it to mean: any Indian except for the Indian Muslims, Christians or Jews. It did not have a specific doctrinal content except “non-Abrahamic”, a negative definition.
    It meant every Indian Pagan, including the Brahmins, Buddhists (“clean-shaven Brahmins”), Jains, other ascetics, low-castes, intermediate castes, tribals, and by implication also the as yet unborn Lingayats, Sikhs, Hare Krishnas, Arya Samajis, Ramakrishnaites, secularists and others who nowadays reject the label “Hindu”. This definition was essentially also adopted by VD Savarkar in his book Hindutva (1923) and by the Hindu Marriage Act (1955). By this historical definition, which also has the advantages of primacy and of not being thought up by the wily Brahmins, the Buddha and all his Indian followers are unquestionably Hindus. In that sense, Savarkar was right when he called Ambedkar’s taking refuge in Buddhism “a sure jump into the Hindu fold”.
    But the word “Hindu” is a favourite object of manipulation. Thus, secularists say that all kinds of groups (Dravidians, low-castes, Sikhs etc.) are “not Hindu”, yet when Hindus complain of the self-righteousness and aggression of the minorities, secularists laugh at this concern: “How can the Hindus feel threatened? They are more than 80%!” The missionaries call the tribals “not Hindus”, but when the tribals riot against the Christians who have murdered their Swami, we read about “Hindu rioters”. In the Buddha’s case, “Hindu” is often narrowed down to “Vedic” when convenient, then restored to its wider meaning when expedient.
    One meaning which the word “Hindu” definitely does not have, and did not have when it was introduced, is “Vedic”. Shankara holds it against Patanjali and the Sankhya school (just like the Buddha) that they don’t bother to cite the Vedas, yet they have a place in every history of Hindu thought. Hinduism includes a lot of elements which have only a thin Vedic veneer, and numerous ones which are not Vedic at all. Scholars say that it consists of a “Great Tradition” and many “Little Traditions”, local cults allowed to subsist under the aegis of the prestigious Vedic line. However, if we want to classify the Buddha in these terms, he should rather be included in the Great Tradition.
    Siddhartha Gautama the Buddha was a Kshatriya, a scion of the Solar or Aikshvaku dynasty, a descendant of Manu, a self-described reincarnation of Rama, the son of the Raja (president-for-life) of the Shakya tribe, a member of its Senate, and belonging to the Gautama gotra (roughly “clan”). Though monks are often known by their monastic name, Buddhists prefer to name the Buddha after his descent group, viz. the Shakyamuni, “renunciate of the Shakya tribe”. This tribe was as Hindu as could be, consisting according to its own belief of the progeny of the eldest children of patriarch Manu, who were repudiated at the insistence of his later, younger wife.
    The Buddha is not known to have rejected this name, not even at the end of his life when the Shakyas had earned the wrath of king Vidudabha of Kosala and were massacred. The doctrine that he was one in a line of incarnations which also included Rama is not a deceitful Brahmin Puranic invention but was launched by the Buddha himself, who claimed Rama as an earlier incarnation of his. The numerous scholars who like to explain every Hindu idea or custom as “borrowed from Buddhism” could well counter Ambedkar’s rejection of this “Hindu” doctrine by pointing out very aptly that it was “borrowed from Buddhism”.
    At 29, he renounced society, but not Hinduism. Indeed, it is a typical thing among Hindus to exit from society, laying off your caste marks including your civil name. The Rg-Veda already describes the Muni-s as having matted hair and going about sky-clad: such are what we now know as Naga Sadhus. Asceticism was a recognized practice in Vedic society long before the Buddha. Yajnavalkya, the Upanishadic originator of the notion of Self, renounced life in society after a successful career as court priest and an equally happy family life with two wives. By leaving his family and renouncing his future in politics, the Buddha followed an existing tradition within Hindu society.
    He didn’t practice Vedic rituals anymore, which is normal for a Vedic renunciate (though Zen Buddhists still recite the Heart Sutra in the Vedic fashion, ending with “sowaka”, i.e. svaha). He was a late follower of a movement very much in evidence in the Upanishads, viz. of spurning rituals (Karmakanda) in favour of knowledge (Jnanakanda). After he had done the Hindu thing by going to the forest, he tried several methods, including the techniques he learned from two masters and which did not fully satisfy him,– but nonetheless enough to include them in his own and the Buddhist curriculum.
    Among other techniques, he practised Anapanasati, “attention to the breathing process”, the archetypal yoga practice popular in practically all yoga schools till today. For a while he also practised an extreme form of asceticism, still existing in the Hindu sect of Jainism. He exercised his Hindu freedom to join a sect devoted to certain techniques, and later the freedom to leave it, remaining a Hindu at every stage.
    He then added a technique of his own, or at least that is what the Buddhist sources tell us, for in the paucity of reliable information, we don’t know for sure that he hadn’t learned the Vipassana (“mindfulness”) technique elsewhere. Unless evidence of the contrary comes to the surface, we assume that he invented this technique all by himself, as a Hindu is free to do. He then achieved Bodhi, the “Awakening”. By his own admission, he was by no means the first to do so. Instead, he had only walked the same path of other Awakened beings before him.
    At the bidding of the Vedic gods Brahma and Indra, he left his self-contained state of Awakening and started teaching his way to others. When he “set in motion the wheel of the Law” (Dharma-cakra-pravartana, Chinese Falungong), he gave no indication whatsoever of breaking with an existing system. On the contrary, by his use of existing Vedic and Upanishadic terminology (Arya, “Vedically civilized”; Dharma), he confirmed his Vedic roots and implied that his system was a restoration of the Vedic ideal which had become degenerate. He taught his techniques and his analysis of the human condition to his disciples, promising them to achieve the same Awakening if they practiced these diligently.
    On caste, we find him is full cooperation with existing caste society. Being an elitist, he mainly recruited among the upper castes, with over 40% Brahmins. These would later furnish all the great philosophers who made Buddhism synonymous with conceptual sophistication. Conversely, the Buddhist universities trained well-known non-Buddhist scientists such as the astronomer Aryabhata.
    Lest the impression be created that universities are a gift of Buddhism to India, it may be pointed out that the Buddha’s friends Bandhula and Prasenadi (and, according to a speculation, maybe the young Siddhartha himself) had studied at the university of Takshashila, clearly established before there were any Buddhists around to do so. Instead, the Buddhists greatly developed an institution which they had inherited from Hindu society.
    The kings and magnates of the eastern Ganga plain treated the Buddha as one of their own (because that is what he was) and gladly patronized his fast-growing monastic order, commanding their servants and subjects to build a network of monasteries for it. He predicted the coming of a future Awakened leader like himself, the Maitreya (“the one practising friendship/charity”), and specified that he would be born in a Brahmin family. When king Prasenadi discovered that his wife was not a Shakya princess but the daughter of the Shakya ruler by a maid-servant, he repudiated her and their son; but his friend the Buddha made him take them back.
    Did he achieve this by saying that birth is unimportant, that “caste is bad” or that “caste doesn’t matter”, as the Ambedkarites claim? No, he reminded the king of the old view (then apparently in the process of being replaced with a stricter view) that caste was passed on exclusively in the paternal line. Among hybrids of horses and donkeys, the progeny of a horse stallion and a donkey mare whinnies, like its father, while the progeny of a donkey stallion and a horse mare brays, also like its father. So, in the oldest Upanishad, Satyakama Jabala is accepted by his Brahmins-only teacher because his father is deduced to be a Brahmin, regardless of his mother being a maid-servant. And similarly, king Prasenadi should accept his son as a Kshatriya, even though his mother was not a full-blooded Shakya Kshatriya.
    When he died, the elites of eight cities made a successful bid for his ashes on the plea: “We are Kshatriyas, he was a Kshatriya, therefore we have a right to his ashes”. After almost half a century, his disciples didn’t mind being seen in public as still observing caste in a context which was par excellence Buddhist. The reason is that the Buddha in his many teachings never had told them to give up caste, e.g. to give their daughters in marriage to men of other castes. This was perfectly logical: as a man with a spiritual message, the Buddha wanted to lose as little time as possible on social matters. If satisfying your own miserable desires is difficult enough, satisfying the desire for an egalitarian society provides an endless distraction from your spiritual practice.
    The Seven Rules
    There never was a separate non-Hindu Buddhist society. Most Hindus worship various gods and teachers, adding and sometimes removing one or more pictures or statues to their house altar. This way, there were some lay worshippers of the Buddha, but they were not a society separate from the worshippers of other gods or Awakened masters. This box-type division of society in different sects is another Christian prejudice infused into modern Hindu society by Nehruvian secularism. There were only Hindus, members of Hindu castes, some of whom had a veneration for the Buddha among others.
    Buddhist buildings in India often follow the designs of Vedic habitat ecology or Vastu Shastra. Buddhist temple conventions follow an established Hindu pattern. Buddhist mantras, also outside India, follow the pattern of Vedic mantras. When Buddhism spread to China and Japan, Buddhist monks took the Vedic gods (e.g. the twelve Aditya’s) with them and built temples for them. In Japan, every town has a temple for the river-goddess Benzaiten, i.e. “Saraswati Devi”, the goddess Saraswati. She was not introduced there by wily Brahmins, but by Buddhists.
    At the fag end of his long life, the Buddha described the seven principles by which a society does not perish (which Sita Ram Goel has given more body in his historical novel Sapta Shila, in Hindi), and among them are included: respecting and maintaining the existing festivals, pilgrimages and rituals; and revering the holy men. These festivals etc. were mainly “Vedic”, of course, like the pilgrimage to the Saraswati which Balaram made in the Mahabharata, or the pilgrimage to the Ganga which the elderly Pandava brothers made. Far from being a revolutionary, the Buddha emphatically outed himself as a conservative, both in social and in religious matters. He was not a rebel or a revolutionary, but wanted the existing customs to continue. The Buddha was every inch a Hindu. 

    Raja Chola’s Samadhi left in Ruins

    In the village of Udayalur, half submerged in a field behind a farmer’s house, lies a lingam. A flimsy pandal over the lingam, constructed with sticks and thatched leaves, is the only symbol that betrays the significance of this site. The spot is supposed to be the samadhi of Raja Raja Chola, one of the greatest Hindu kings that ever lived.
    The illustrious Raja Raja Chola, is well known for his patronage of the arts, his vast conquests, and his tremendous temple building campaign. The famous Brihadeesvara temple, which recently turned a thousand years old, was consecrated by Raja Raja for Mahadeva.
    This dilapidated samadhi of the Chola king is not an exception. Across India, we find similar examples that showcase the modern Hindu’s insouciant attitude towards the pitiful condition of historical structures that preserve the memory of our ancestors’ heroism and sacrifices.
    The samadhi mandirs of Baji Rao, Hemu, and many others suffer from the same indifference. The cruel twist in this story is the ridiculous deification by modern Hindus of personalities who have been dedicated to the destruction of Hindus. Sonia Gandhi and Mayawati, both have opulent temples dedicated to them by their sycophantic followers. Then there are the temples devoted to the Tendulkars, Bacchans, and Kushboos of our country. In this age of Kali, the bull of morality stands on one leg. And so, the memory of the great Chola is relegated to such an ignoble fate.
    Below part of Raja Raja Chola’s Legacy
    1000 years ago, Raja Raja Chola did exactly that. Going down in the history of India as one of the greatest kings, he expanded the Chola kingdom over the whole of South India, Kalinga and Sri Lanka, his reign is considered the golden period of the Chola Dynasty. To commemorate the great achievements of his kingdom, he set out to leave behind a mark of his kingdom’s supremacy, something that told generations to come what a mighty and great dynasty ruled over the land. The culmination of that thought was the Brihadeeswara Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva at the then capital of the Chola kingdom, Thanjav


    Prolaya Vema Reddy : Rise of the Warrior King

    Often Hindus say that Hinduism is resilient and it will survive whatever happens giving an impression that it’s ok don’t worry about the attacks on Hinduism but just go on with your life and somehow Hinduism will miraculously survive anyway. So did our forefathers just go on with their lives while foreign invaders indulged in plunder and destruction? Historically the answer to that question shows that Hindu resilience was expressed in warfare on every level for nearly a thousand years. Where A stream of Hindu Sages and Warriors combined to keep the flame of Sanatana Dharma alive through the ages .This is probably the longest war that’s ever taken place on Mother Earth and is still continuing in some form or another.
    If we are Hindus today it’s because someone somewhere in the past sacrificed his or her life to defend the Hindu way of life but unfortunately most Hindus of today are not even aware of what took place back in time.There’s no celebration or remembrance or even any awareness kept for so many sacrifices , bravery and courage that took place in the history of the Hindus . All across the Hindu civilisation there is a story to tell like the following one ..

    Alauddin Khalji
    In 1311 Alla-ad-din Khalji sent his lover and general Maliq Kaffr to devastate the Telengana region with his ferocious army of Islam. The invasion was savage and Hindu kshatriyas of the Kakatiya, Chalukya and Chola clans fought with great valor but were routed in the battles around Warangal. The survivors took shelter in the fort of Kondapalli and held out against the Mohammedan blizzard.
    However, in 1316 Alla-ad-din died and the tumultuous events in Delhi triggered by the Gujarati rebellion prevented the Mohammedans from consolidating their grip over Telangana. As result there was severe local unrest and Kakatiyas under Prataparudra started re-establishing themselves. The veteran Ghazi from Afghanistan, Ghazi al Maliq Tughlaq, soon set matters right for the Mohammedans in Delhi and decided to consolidate the flagging Jihad in peninsular India.
    He sent his able successor Mohammed bin Tughlaq to prosecute the Jihad with unrelenting vigor in South India. M b Tughlaq charted elaborate plans for the invasion of Pune, Devagiri, Telengana and Tondaimandalam and set them rolling in 1321. After having sacked Pune in course of a year long siege of Kondana which was valiantly defended by Naga Nayaka he plowed through Devagiri and turning south east arrived in Telengana in 1322.
    After a prolonged, fierce see-saw encounter in which the Mohammedans constantly receiving supplies from Devagiri and Delhi the Kakatiya army of Prataparudra was vanquished at Warangal.
    They were forced into the defensive as the army of Islam mounted a massive encirclement attack on the fort of Rajamahendravaram. They held out for 6 months but at the end of it the Mohammedans stormed the fort and massacred the defenders to man. Prataparudra and his family was captured and sent to Delhi, but on the way he killed himself rather than go through the ordeal of converting to Islam. The grand Shri Venugopala Swami temple built by the Chalukyas was demolished by Tughlaq and he erected a mosque using the material from the temple. With that the kshatriya presence in Telengana had been smashed the the oppressive crescent banner terrorized the land.
    In 1325 the responsibility of organizing defense of the dharma was taken up by the valiant shudra warrior Prolaya Vema Reddy. Son of local warlord, he describes himself “as one of the 4th varna that emerged from the feet of mahavishnu” who decided to rid the land of the wicked Turks after kshatriyas had all been killed for the protection of the agraharas and brahmanas.
    Vema Reddy drawing inspiration from his deity ga~nga, who had also apparently emerged from the feet of vishnu as the fourth varna, and the warrior god kumara assembled a large army drawn from the peasants and herdsmen of the ravaged land. His clan had long excelled in cattle raids and honed the skills of the the rapid hit and run methods. He joined hands with two other major local landowners like Prolaya Nayaka and Kaapaya Nayaka and they formed a coalition with at least 75 other local strongmen and warlords. Reddy assembled his Hindu armies at Addanki and marched on the Tughlaq army.
    The Reddys apparently used biological warfare in this conflict and contaminated the water supplies leading to the Mohammedans with sewage resulting a raging dysentry which decimated the Tughlaq army. Tughlaq himself fell ill and retreated. As the Moslems were in disarray the Hindu army fell upon them and crushed remanants in pitched encounter at Kaapaya Nayakthe outskirts of Warangal. The Vema Reddy realized that even though the army had departed the local Moslem Amirs and merchants were a major obstacle in restoring Hindu rule. So he conducted a series of raids destroy their trading networks and militias and extirpating the pockets of Islamic garrisons distributed over the country. In the process they were aided by the Hindu king Vira Ballaala of Dwarasamudra, who staved of attacks by the army of Islam from its head quarters in Devagiri.
    In 1335 M b Tughlaq sent a large force under Maqbool Iqbal to smash the Hindu revival in Telengana. However, the Reddy and Nayaka army aided by auxillaries sent by Vira Ballaala inflicted a massive defeat on them, killing 15 Moslem Amirs on the field. Vema Reddy chased Iqbal into the Warangal fort and seeing that he was hard-pressed to defend it Kaapaya Nayaka stormed the fort.
    Vema Reddy then moved on the fort of Kondvidu and stormed it by hacking off the head Maliq Gurjaar, the Moslem commander. Then liberated Nidadavolu, Vundi and Pithapuram after pitched battles. He then massacred an army of Jalal-ud-din Shah in a raid on Tondaimandalam even as Ballaala engaged the sultan himself.
    Kondaveedu Fort However, after a long struggle with the Sultans of Madhurai and Delhi, Ballaala finally fell into the hands of the Moslems. He was skinned alive and his dry skin was pegged on one of the wall of Madhurai (seen later by ibn Battuta). Undaunted Vema Reddy launched a series of daring attacks on the Moslem garrisons in the forts of Bellamkonda, Vinukonda and Nagarjunakonda and captured all of them after slaughtering the defenders.
    He raised his flag in Kondavidu and declared himself a Raja. His famous inscriptions from this period state:
    ” I restored all the agraharas of Brahmins, which had been taken away by the evil Moslem kings”. “I am indeed an Agastya to the ocean which was made of the Moslem”.
    To restore the dharma he instituted major repairs to the Shrishailam rudra temple and built a flight of steps from the Krishna river to the temple on the mountain top. He also repaired the vishnu temple at Ahobilam. He also built a palace in Kondavidu for housing the women he had acquired. This became the harem for all the other subsequent Reddys. His restoration of the dharma also caused a major revival of local literature, especially under the auspices of the Telugu author Erranna, a vatsa bhargava brahmana of the middle migration of the bhargavas. His ramayana was supposed to have been a master piece.
    His successor was Anavema Reddy continued the struggle against the army of Islam. His began by liberating Rajahmahendravaram and demolished a Mazar which had been built there on a Hindu shrine. He then scaled the fort of Korukonda with a small force at night liberated it from the Moslem garrison. Next he conquered Simhachalam fort and parts of the Kalinga kingdom.His inscription states “I the valiant member of the 4th varna destroyed the throngs of Moslems and gathered learned brAhmaNas at this court”. He built the vIra shiromanDapam in the Shrishailam temple. The Shrishailam temple was also renovated by two other great Hindu fighters, Krishnadeva Raya and Shivaji Chatrapati at a later time.
    The war of independence in Telengana is one more of those largely forgotten stories of the provincial Hindu resistance in the aftermath of the Khalji-Tughlaq years.

    Kondaveedu Fort English Documentary