Saturday, January 18, 2014

स्वास्तिक’ (卐)

स्वास्तिक अत्यन्त प्राचीन काल से भारतीय संस्कृति में मंगल-प्रतीक माना जाता है। इसीलिए किसी भी शुभ कार्य को करने से पहले स्वास्तिक चिन्ह अंकित करके उसका पूजन किया जाता है।

स्वास्तिक शब्द सु अस क से बना है। ‘सु’ का अर्थ अच्छा, ‘अस’ का अर्थ ‘सत्ता’ या ‘अस्तित्व’ और ‘क’ का अर्थ ‘कर्त्ता’ या करने वाले से है। इस प्रकार ‘स्वास्तिक’ शब्द का अर्थ हुआ ‘अच्छा’ या ‘मंगल’ करने वाला।

स्वस्तिक में एक दूसरे को काटती हुई दो सीधी रेखाएँ होती हैं, जो आगे चलकर मुड़ जाती हैं। इसके बाद भी ये रेखाएँ अपने सिरों पर थोड़ी और आगे की तरफ मुड़ी होती हैं।

स्वास्तिक की यह आकृति दो प्रकार की हो सकती है।

प्रथम स्वास्तिक - जिसमें रेखाएँ आगे की ओर इंगित करती हुई हमारे दायीं ओर मुड़ती हैं। इसे ‘स्वास्तिक’ (卐) कहते हैं।

द्वितीय स्वास्तिक - आकृति में रेखाएँ पीछे की ओर संकेत करती हुई हमारे बायीं ओर मुड़ती हैं। इसे ‘वामावर्त स्वस्तिक’ (卍) कहते हैं। जर्मनी के हिटलर के ध्वज में यही ‘वामावर्त स्वास्तिक’ अंकित था, जिसने उसका अंत किया।

बुल्गारिया में 7000 वर्ष पहले इस्तेमाल होता था, आपको आश्चर्य होगा लेकिन यह सत्य है पश्चिमी बुल्गारिया के Vratsa नगर के संग्रहालय मे चल रही एक प्रदर्शनी मे 7000 वर्ष प्राचीन कुछ मिट्टी की कलाकृतियां रखी गईँ हैं जिसपर स्वास्तिक (卍) का चिन्ह बना है|

Vratsa शहर के ही निकट Altimir नामक गाँवके एक धार्मिक यज्ञ कुण्ड की खुदाई के समय ये कलाकृतियाँ मिली थी

स्वास्तिक का महत्व:-
स्वास्तिक को चित्र के रूप में भी बनाया जाता है और लिखा भी जाता है जैसे "स्वास्ति न इन्द्र:" आदि। स्वास्तिक भारतीयों में सभी मांगलिक कार्यों मेँ प्रयोग किया जाता है, जैसे - विवाह आदि घर के अन्दर कोई भी मांगलिक कार्य होने पर "ऊँ" और स्वास्तिक का दोनोँ का अथवा एक एक का प्रयोग किया जाता है। हिन्दू समाज में किसी भी शुभ संस्कार में स्वास्तिक का अलग अलग तरीके से प्रयोग किया जाता है, बच्चे का पहली बार जब मुंडन संस्कार किया जाता है तो स्वास्तिक को बुआ के द्वारा बच्चे के सिर पर हल्दी रोली मक्खन को मिलाकर
बनाया जाता है,स्वास्तिक को सिर के ऊपर बनाने का अर्थ माना जाता है कि धर्म,अर्थ,काम और मोक्ष चारों पुरुषार्थों का योग रूप सिर पर
हमेशा प्रभावी रहे,

स्वास्तिक के अन्दर चारों भागों के अन्दर बिन्दु लगाने का मतलब होता है कि व्यक्ति का दिमाग केन्द्रित रहे, चारों तरफ़ भटके नही, वृहद रूप में स्वास्तिक की भुजा का फ़ैलाव सम्बन्धित दिशा से सम्पूर्ण ऊर्जा को एकत्रित करने के बाद बिन्दु की तरफ़ इकट्ठा करने से भी माना जाता है, स्वास्तिक का केन्द्र जहाँ चारों भुजायें एक साथ काटती है,उसे सिर के बिलकुल बीच में चुना जाता है, बीच का स्थान बच्चे के सिर में परखने के लिये जहाँ हड्डी विहीन हिस्सा होता है और एकतरह से ब्रह्मरंध के रूप में उम्र की प्राथमिक अवस्था में उपस्थित होता है और वयस्क होने पर वह हड्डी से ढक जाता है,

स्वास्तिक संस्कृत भाषा का अव्यय पद है,पाणिनीय व्याकरण के अनुसार इसे व्याकरण कौमुदी में ५४ वें क्रम पर अव्यय पदों में गिनाया गया है। यह स्वास्तिक पद ’सु’ उपसर्ग तथा ’अस्ति’ अव्यय (क्रम ६१)के संयोग से बना है, इसलिये ’सु अस्ति=स्वास्तिक’ इसमें ’इकोयणचि’ सूत्र से उकार के स्थान में विकार हुआ है। ’स्वास्ति’ में भी’अस्ति’ को अव्यय माना गया है और ’स्वास्ति’ अव्यय पद का अर्थ ’कल्याण’ ’मंगल’’शुभ’ आदि के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है। जब स्वास्ति में ’क’ प्रत्यय का समावेश हो जाता है तो वह कारक का रूप धारण कर लेता है और उसे ’स्वास्तिक’ का नाम दे दिया जाता है।
स्वास्तिक का चिन्ह भारत के अलावा विश्व मेँ अन्य देशों में भी प्रयोग में लाया जाता है, जर्मन देश में इसे राजकीय चिन्ह से शोभायमान किया गया है, हिटलर का यह फ़ौज का निशान था, कहा जाता है कि वह इसे अपनी वर्दी पर दोनो तरफ़ बैज के रूप में प्रयोग करता था, लेकिन उसके अंत के समय भूल से वर्दी के बेज में उसे टेलर ने उल्टा लगा दिया था, जो उसके विनाश का कारण बना, जितना अर्थ सीधे स्वास्तिक का शुभ कार्योँ मेँ लगाया जाता है, उससे भीअधिक उल्टे स्वास्तिक का अनर्थ
भी माना जाता है।
स्वास्तिक की भुजाओं का प्रयोग अन्दर की तरफ़ गोलाई में लाने पर वह सौम्य माना जाता है, बाहर की तरफ़ नुकीले हथियार के रूप में करने पर वह रक्षक के रूप में माना जाता है। काला स्वास्तिक शमशानी शक्तियों को बस में करने केलिये किया जाता है, लाल स्वास्तिक का प्रयोग शरीर की सुरक्षा के साथ भौतिक सुरक्षा के प्रति भी माना जाता है, भी स्वास्तिक का प्रयोग आदि काल से
किया है, लेकिन वहां सौम्यता और दिशा निर्देश नही होता है। केवल धन (+) का निशान ही मिलता है। पीले रंग का स्वास्तिक धर्म के मामलों में और संस्कार के मामलों में और संस्कार के मामलों में किया जाता है, विभिन्न रंगों का प्रयोग विभिन्न कारणों के लिये किया जाता स्वास्तिक के चारो और सर्वाधिक पॉजीटिव ऊर्जा पाई गई है दूसरे नंबरपर शिवलिँग है इसे वोविस नाम के वैज्ञानिक ने अपनी तकनीक से नापा इसलिये इसे वोविस एनर्जी कहते है । अधिक पाजिटिव एनर्जी की वजह से स्वास्तिक किसी भी तरह का वास्तुदोष तुरंत समाप्त कर देता है।

श्रीमद भागवत पुराण में सापेक्षता का सिद्धांत (Theory of Relativity)

श्रीमद भागवत पुराण में सापेक्षता का सिद्धांत (Theory of Relativity) आइंस्टीन से हजारों वर्ष पूर्व ही लिख दिया गया था

आइंस्टीन के सापेक्षता के सिद्धांत को तो हम सभी जानते है । आइंस्टीन ने अपने सिद्धांत में दिक् व काल की सापेक्षता प्रतिपादित की। उसने कहा, विभिन्न ग्रहों पर समय की अवधारणा भिन्न-भिन्न होती है। काल का सम्बन्ध ग्रहों की गति से रहता है। इस प्रकार अलग-अलग ग्रहों पर समय का माप भिन्न रहता है। समय छोटा-बड़ा रहता है।

उदाहरण के लिए यदि दो जुडुवां भाइयों मे से एक को पृथ्वी पर ही रखा जाये तथा दुसरे को किसी अन्य गृह पर भेज दिया जाये और कुछ वर्षों पश्चात लाया जाये तो दोनों भाइयों की आयु में अंतर होगा।

आयु का अंतर इस बात पर निर्भर करेगा कि बालक को जिस गृह पर भेजा गया उस गृह की सूर्य से दुरी तथा गति , पृथ्वी की सूर्य से दुरी तथा गति से कितनी अधिक अथवा कम है ।

एक और उदाहरण के अनुसार चलती रेलगाड़ी में रखी घडी उसी रेल में बैठे व्यक्ति के लिए सामान रूप से चलती है क्योकि दोनों रेल के साथ एक ही गति से गतिमान है परन्तु वही घडी रेल से बाहर खड़े व्यक्ति के लिए धीमे चल रही होगी । कुछ सेकंडों को अंतर होगा । यदि रेल की गति और बढाई जाये तो समय का अंतर बढेगा और यदि रेल को प्रकाश की गति (299792.458 किमी प्रति सेकंड) से दोड़ाया जाये (जोकि संभव नही) तो रेल से बाहर खड़े व्यक्ति के लिए घडी पूर्णतया रुक जाएगी ।

इसकी जानकारी के संकेत हमारे ग्रंथों में मिलते हैं।

श्रीमद भागवत पुराण में कथा आती है कि रैवतक राजा की पुत्री रेवती बहुत लम्बी थी, अत: उसके अनुकूल वर नहीं मिलता था। इसके समाधान हेतु राजा योग बल से अपनी पुत्री को लेकर ब्राहृलोक गये। वे जब वहां पहुंचे तब वहां गंधर्वगान चल रहा था। अत: वे कुछ क्षण रुके।

जब गान पूरा हुआ तो ब्रह्मा ने राजा को देखा और पूछा कैसे आना हुआ? राजा ने कहा मेरी पुत्री के लिए किसी वर को आपने पैदा किया है या नहीं?

ब्रह्मा जोर से हंसे और कहा,- जितनी देर तुमने यहां गान सुना, उतने समय में पृथ्वी पर 27 चर्तुयुगी {1 चर्तुयुगी = 4 युग (सत्य,द्वापर,त्रेता,कलि ) = 1 महायुग } बीत चुकी हैं और 28 वां द्वापर समाप्त होने वाला है। तुम वहां जाओ और कृष्ण के भाई बलराम से इसका विवाह कर देना।
अब पृथ्वी लोक पर तुम्हे तुम्हारे सगे सम्बन्धी, तुम्हारा राजपाट तथा वैसी भोगोलिक स्थतियां भी नही मिलेंगी जो तुम छोड़ कर आये हो |

साथ ही उन्होंने कहा कि यह अच्छा हुआ कि रेवती को तुम अपने साथ लेकर आये। इस कारण इसकी आयु नहीं बढ़ी। अन्यथा लौटने के पश्चात तुम इसे भी जीवित नही पाते |

अब यदि एक घड़ी भी देर कि तो सीधे कलयुग (द्वापर के पश्चात कलयुग ) में जा गिरोगे |

इससे यह भी स्पष्ट है की निश्चय ही ब्रह्मलोक कदाचित हमारी आकाशगंगा से भी कहीं अधिक दूर है

यह कथा पृथ्वी से ब्राहृलोक तक विशिष्ट गति से जाने पर समय के अंतर को बताती है। आधुनिक वैज्ञानिकों ने भी कहा कि यदि एक व्यक्ति प्रकाश की गति से कुछ कम गति से चलने वाले यान में बैठकर जाए तो उसके शरीर के अंदर परिवर्तन की प्रक्रिया प्राय: स्तब्ध हो जायेगी।

यदि एक दस वर्ष का व्यक्ति ऐसे यान में बैठकर देवयानी आकाशगंगा (Andromeida Galaz) की ओर जाकर वापस आये तो उसकी उमर में केवल 56 वर्ष बढ़ेंगे किन्तु उस अवधि में पृथ्वी पर 40 लाख वर्ष बीत गये होंगे।

काल के मापन की सूक्ष्मतम और महत्तम इकाई के वर्णन को पढ़कर दुनिया का प्रसिद्ध ब्राह्माण्ड विज्ञानी Carl Sagan अपनी पुस्तक Cosmos में लिखता है, -

"विश्व में एक मात्र हिन्दू धर्म ही ऐसा धर्म है, जो इस विश्वास को समर्पित है कि ब्राह्माण्ड सृजन और विनाश का चक्र सतत चल रहा है। तथा यही एक धर्म है जिसमें काल के सूक्ष्मतम नाप परमाणु से लेकर दीर्घतम माप ब्राह्म दिन और रात की गणना की गई, जो 8 अरब 64 करोड़ वर्ष तक बैठती है तथा जो आश्चर्यजनक रूप से हमारी आधुनिक गणनाओं से मेल खाती है।"

Little London of India

Little “London of India”, Munnar, Kerala

Munnar, Kerala
* It is a hill station in Kerala and in southern India.
* Munnar is located on the Western Ghats, situated in the Idukki.
* The name Munnar is believed to mean “three rivers”, referring to the town’s strategic location at the confluence of the Madhurapuzha, Nallathanni and Kundaly rivers.
* The town has shared a strong cultural link with Tamil Nadu and over 70% of the population of the town being
* Munnar tops the list of travelers headed to south India especially Kerala.
* Situated at the confluence of three mountain chains, Munnar is known for its climate and tea estates.
* The green hill station also boats of the highest mountain in south India – Anaimudi.
* Because of the likeness with the climate of London the erst while British officers made it their summer resort and affectionately labeled it “little London”.
* Munnar is also known for the exotic flower “NeelaKurinji” that blooms once in 12 years and bathes the whole landscape in blues color.
* The Munnar town is in Kannan Devan Hills ( KDH ) Village in Devikulam taluk and is the largest panchayat in the Idukki district having an area measuring nearly 557 km².
* The nearest major railway stations are at Ernakulam and Aluva (approximately 120 km by road).
* The nearest airport is Cochin International Airport, which is 140 km away.
* The wildlife sanctuary of Eravikulam is an ideal trekking zone.
* Just after the monsoon season in first half of August the world-famous Kerala Snake Boat Race is held in Alleyppy near Munnar.

भगवान रामचन्द्र जी के १४ वर्षों के वनवास यात्रा का विवरण

 श्री राम से जुडे कुछ अहम् सबुत पेश हैं........
जिसे पढ़ के नास्तिक भी सोच में पड जायेंगे की रामायण सच्ची हैं या काल्पनिक-

भगवान रामचन्द्र जी के १४ वर्षों के वनवास यात्रा का विवरण 

पुराने उपलब्ध प्रमाणों और राम अवतार जी के शोध और अनुशंधानों के अनुसार कुल १९५ स्थानों पर राम और सीता जी के पुख्ता प्रमाण मिले हैं जिन्हें ५ भागों में वर्णित कर रहा हूँ
  • वनवास का प्रथम चरण गंगा का अंचल 

  1. सबसे पहले राम जी अयोध्या से चलकर तमसा नदी (गौराघाट,फैजाबाद,उत्तर प्रदेश) को पार किया जो अयोध्या से २० किमी की दूरी पर है |
  2. आगे बढ़ते हुए राम जी ने गोमती नदी को पर किया और श्रिंगवेरपुर (वर्त्तमान सिंगरोर,जिला इलाहाबाद )पहुंचे …आगे 2 किलोमीटर पर गंगा जी थीं और यहाँ से सुमंत को राम जी ने वापस कर दिया |
  3. बस यही जगह केवट प्रसंग के लिए प्रसिद्ध है |
  4. इसके बाद यमुना नदी को संगम के निकट पार कर के राम जी चित्रकूट में प्रवेश करते हैं|
  5. वाल्मीकि आश्रम,मंडव्य आश्रम,भारत कूप आज भी इन प्रसंगों की गाथा का गान कर रहे हैं |
  6. भारत मिलाप के बाद राम जी का चित्रकूट से प्रस्थान ,भारत चरण पादुका लेकर अयोध्या जी वापस |
  7. अगला पड़ाव श्री अत्रि मुनि का आश्रम
  • बनवास का द्वितीय चरण दंडक वन (दंडकारन्य)

  1. घने जंगलों और बरसात वाले जीवन को जीते हुए राम जी सीता और लक्षमण सहित सरभंग और सुतीक्षण मुनि के आश्रमों में पहुचते हैं |
  2. नर्मदा और महानदी के अंचल में उन्होंने अपना ज्यादा जीवन बिताया ,पन्ना ,रायपुर,बस्तर और जगदलपुर में
  3. तमाम जंगलों ,झीलों पहाड़ों और नदियों को पारकर राम जी अगस्त्य मुनि के आश्रम नाशिक पहुँचते हैं |
  4. जहाँ उन्हें अगस्त्य मुनि, अग्निशाला में बनाये हुए अपने अशत्र शस्त्र प्रदान करते हैं |
  • वनवास का तृतीय चरण गोदावरी अंचल

  1. अगस्त्य मुनि से मिलन के पश्चात राम जी पंचवटी (पांच वट वृक्षों से घिरा क्षेत्र ) जो आज भी नाशिक में गोदावरी के तट पर है यहाँ अपना निवास स्थान बनाये |यहीं आपने तड़का ,खर और दूषण का वध किया |
  2. यही वो “जनस्थान” है जो वाल्मीकि रामायण में कहा गया है …आज भी स्थित है नाशिक में
  3. जहाँ मारीच का वध हुआ वह स्थान मृग व्यघेश्वर और बानेश्वर नाम से आज भी मौजूद है नाशिक में |
  4. इसके बाद ही सीता हरण हुआ ….जटायु की मृत्यु सर्वतीर्थ नाम के स्थान पार हुई जो इगतपुरी तालुका नाशिक के ताकीद गाँव में मौजूद है |दूरी ५६ किमी नाशिक से |
इस स्थान को सर्वतीर्थ इसलिए कहा गया क्यों की यहीं पर मरणसन्न जटायु ने बताया था की सम्राट दशरथ की मृत्यु हो गई है ...और राम जी ने यहाँ जटायु का अंतिम संस्कार कर के पिता और जटायु का श्राद्ध तर्पण किया था |यद्यपि भारत ने भी अयोध्या में किया था श्राद्ध ,मानस में प्रसंग है "भरत किन्ही दस्गात्र विधाना "
  • वनवास का चतुर्थ चरण तुंगभद्रा और कावेरी के अंचल में 

  1. सीता की तलाश में राम लक्षमण जटायु मिलन और कबंध बाहुछेद कर के ऋष्यमूक पर्वत की ओर बढे ….|
  2. रास्ते में पंपा सरोवर के पास शबरी से मुलाकात हुई और नवधा भक्ति से शबरी को मुक्ति मिली |जो आज कल बेलगाँव का सुरेवन का इलाका है और आज भी ये बेर के कटीले वृक्षों के लिए ही प्रसिद्ध है |
  3. चन्दन के जंगलों को पार कर राम जी ऋष्यमूक की ओर बढ़ते हुए हनुमान और सुग्रीव से मिले ,सीता के आभूषण प्राप्त हुए और बाली का वध हुआ ….ये स्थान आज भी कर्णाटक के बेल्लारी के हम्पी में स्थित है |
  • बनवास का पंचम चरण समुद्र का अंचल

  1. कावेरी नदी के किनारे चलते ,चन्दन के वनों को पार करते कोड्डीकराई पहुचे पर पुनः पुल के निर्माण हेतु रामेश्वर आये जिसके हर प्रमाण छेदुकराई में उपलब्ध है |सागर तट के तीन दिनों तक अन्वेषण और शोध के बाद राम जी ने कोड्डीकराई और छेदुकराई को छोड़ सागर पर पुल निर्माण की सबसे उत्तम स्थिति रामेश्वरम की पाई ….और चौथे दिन इंजिनियर नल और नील ने पुल बंधन का कार्य प्रारम्भ किया |


IS INDIA SAFE? Why big powers are going everywhere to unrest the world and INDIA ?
What is Ford Foundation?

Global headquarter of Ford Foundation

It is a pseudo- philanthropic organization involved in charity but follow closely and you will see what will be picture of India with parties like AAP,Congress,many universities in India getting fund from Ford foundation to destroy Indian culture and make it like another EGYPT,IRAQ,AFGHANISTAN,
In the garb of charity, their mandate is to ensure WASHINGTON’S HEGEMONY (DOMINANCE) in international market.
It was established as a front of US’ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The modus operandi is to fund people / professions that can influence decision making and policy making – authors, historians, journalists, social activists, media companies, publishers, etc.
Digging further  you see their increasing interest and presence in Indian politics.
Here is the list of Indians/ NGOs who have been funded by or have proximity to Ford Foundation
  •  Arvind Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia’s NGO – Kabeer
  • Mallika Sarabhai’s Darpana
  •  Yogendra Yadav was funded by ICSSR of Jawaharlal Nehru University, which in turn was funded by Ford Foundation
  • Amartya Sen for its books – Ideas of Justice
  •  Teesta Setalvad and Javed’s Sabrang Communication, one who has been fighting against Modi all these years
And you would know, most of these guys are part of Aam Aadmi Party or are major supporters of AAP.
This poses a very serious question on why is Ford Foundation interested in Indian Politics.
Just to do further research on members of Aam Aadmi Party, I tried to find some details on other members like Aruna Roy, Medha Patkar, Prashant Bhushan and Gopal Rai…
And this was even a bigger SHOCKER to me…
Aruna Roy is the one who had sent a petition to President PRANAB MUKHERJEE for mercy towards Ajmal Kasab.. the one who killed so many innocents in Mumbai terror attack on 26th November 2008. She was also part of Sonia Gandhi’s National Advisory Council and she openly say that Kashmir is not part of India. SONIYA AND ALLIED WANTED TO SAVE TERRORIST
rashant Bhushan, who we all know for the rubbish referendum view on Kashmir, was also the preferred mediator of the Maoists a couple of years back. Now why would they want Prashant Bhushan?? Did they trust that Prashant Bhushan would show some soft corner towards them.
Gopal Rai – Ex member of Sonia Gandhi’s NAC. Was president of All India Students Association (associated with CPI (M-L)), which is known for its pro Maoist stance..
If all this was not enough, One more article that I came across and that raised doubts on CIA’s interest in India is the one in Economic Times, that suggested that Government was giving work for Aadhar to a startup – MongoDB, which is funded by CIA’s venture fund. Links to the same are given below.
Just wondering, if we have so many anti nationals within the country, do we really see Pakistan and China as a bigger threat?
But then was wondering, why is media not exposing all this? But then somewhere the answer is in front of us – Manish Sisodia (ex journalist with Zee), Yogendra Yadav (ex Journalist CNN IBN), Shazia Ilmi (ex journalist) and the latest entrant Ashutosh (ex Managing Editor IBN7)…   Are they not a party to it?
Also wondered why people like Meera Sanyal (ex chief RBS) and V Bala (ex Director Infosys) joining AAP. Then came to know that Meera Sanyal’s NGO Pradan (which operates in Naxal hit belt) is funded by Ford Foundation. Also, Narayan Murthy (Chairman of Infosys) is on the board of Ford Foundation. Probably there could be his compulsion to align with them given that 60% of Infosys’business comes from US.
We all believe corruption is an issue, but nothing can be bigger that National Security.
We all want corruption free India and Aam Admi Party raised some hopes. But these news articles, really make me worried that by extending our support to AAP, are we compromising on NATIONAL SECURITY?
If people who can compromise on national security for personal gains, will they ever give you corruption free governance?
Like Ford Foundation, is AAP only a front face of some bigger conspiracy?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Tamil , a millions years old history spread all over world.

The Culture of the Tamils is very old and stretches back to a Million years.

Lemuria .

We are all aware that the origin of the Tamil people and their culture is shrouded in deep mystery. Though there are many traditions narrated in early literature, “Kumari Kandam”, the land that lay to the south of India and, which later submerged in the Indian Ocean, has been a matter of conjecture for a study by scholars.
Two American eminent geologists McKenzie and Sclater have clearly explained that Africa and South America were locked together as part of the primitive continent until about 200 million years ago.
The present formations of India, Arabia, Africa, Antarctica, South America and Australia started breaking up due to natural upheavals and moving to different parts of the earth at the rate of 15,000 years per mile on an average and found their places in the Asian Continent. The movement of the earth mass, called Navalam Theevu in Tamil, caused the formation of the present continent of India.
There was a general belief that both Lemuria and Kumari Kandam were one and the same. However, it has been established by Frank Joseph, Secretary for Ancient American Association, in his book “The Lost Civilization of Lemuria”, the existence of a land called Lemuria, one of the world's oldest civilizations, about 2.5 lakh years ago, in Indonesia. Hence, Lemuria and Kumari Kandam, which existed in southern part of India, are different lands.
Mr. Joseph has also established that the Mohenjodaro letters of Eastern Islands are nearly 1,00,000 years old. He has critically examined the views of various scholars and established the source of Mohenjodaro letters as well as the ancient civilization of Moo and has written that due to natural calamities, the island of Moo was destroyed about 2.5 lakh years ago.
Eastern Island, 1,000 miles near Japan, has a script called Rongo Rongo and it is identical with Mohenjodaro letters. This has been fixed as 1,00,000 years old.
From the Island of Moo called Lemuria, which was located near Indonesia about 2.5 lakhs years ago, people regularly moved out to Atlantis in Mexican Sea and Kumari Kandam in South Tamil Nadu, about 1,00,000 years ago due to tsunami. These letters are the script of Moo civilization, which was well developed.
From Atlantis, due to tsunami, the Moo people moved to South America and became Aztecs and Incas. Those who moved to North America became Mexicans and Red Indians.
From Kumari Kandam, South of Tamil Nadu, about 15,000 years ago people moved to Africa and became Sumerians and those who moved from Africa to Arabia later became Jews.
From Kumari Kandam, South of Tamil Nadu due to tsunami, people moved to Bengal and became Cholas and those who moved to Sind and Punjab became Cheras.
In Sillapathikaram, it was mentioned that one “Ezhuthanga Nadu” (7x7 =49 countries) existed. So, Southern Tamil Nadu and Kumari Kandam are different regions. Those who have moved to Southern Tamil Nadu were called Pandiyas and they spread over Ceylon and Tirunelvelli.
Tamil literatures say that during the Kurukshethra war, Chera Kings had given food to both the armies. From all these we come to a conclusion that the Ancient South India would have been with tall cliffs, dense forests with high fertility.
Because of a calamity, which took place in 9,000 BC, a terrific destruction occurred and destroyed Chera, Chola and Pandiya Kingdoms and they all then came and settled in South India. The great scholar Sri Avvai Duraisamy Pillai has established that the “Pancha Dravidam” is the region consisting Gujarath, Maharashtra, Andhra, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
This is the time to write the correct history of Tamil Nadu. In “Irayanar Agapporul” (Nakkeerar Urai) it is mentioned that 72 Pandiya Kings had ruled Tamil Nadu (which was inclusive of the destroyed Kumari Kandam) from 30,000 B.C. to 16,000 B.C. (i.e. for 14,000 years).
Our universities have to undertake the responsibility to arrive at the correct history of Tamil Nadu.
Research has not been done so far to assess correctly the shape and appearance of Tamil letters. Today in Tamil, three ‘La', two ‘Ra' and three ‘Na' exist. These exist in ‘Grantha' also. But in ‘Naagari', which got birth in 500 A.C., there are only one ‘La', one ‘Ra', and two ‘Na'.
M. Sundarraj, retired Financial Controller of Integral Coach Factory, who did extensive research on Rig Vedas, has written a book titled “Rig Vedic Studies”. He has explained that our Rig Vedic Mythology is the ancient one in the world. The Rig Vedic Myths are symbolic expressions of astronomical phenomena, both of lunar asterisms and solar movements.
The Rig Veda calendar was essentially a luni-solar one, the lunar aspects being considered as important for holy purposes, but the solar movements which determined the seasons, were also of importance to Rig Vedic people.
The Rig Veda has already adopted a system of grouping together the stars in the lunar zodiac in the pictorial form, such as that of a bull, scorpion, eagle etc.
The origin of the concept of constellational groupings in pictorial forms can be traced in Rig Veda.
According to N.P.Ramadurai, an astronomy researcher, the cycle of time referring to 24,320 human years is mentioned in the Rig Veda at about 50 places. But to read Rig Veda, ‘Grantha' is essential.
Also to read and grasp clearly our ‘Sangam literature' ‘Grantha' knowledge is necessary. If we thoughtfully and magnanimously accept that our old Tamil letters are ‘Grantha' letters, it will pave the way to realise our ancient civilization.
Also, to read philosophy, art, sculpture, medicine etc., ‘Grantha' will be useful. It is necessary at this stage to do intensive research on the Mohenjodaro letters and our ancient languages, Sanskrit and Tamil, and, other Indian languages, to ascertain as to how the script changed over a time and new languages evolved.
In India, Tamil and Sankrit are the oldest languages and both are origin of other languages. This fact is proved by Vedas and our Tamil Sangam Literature. Great Saint Arunagiri Nadhar says in his Thirupugazh that Tamil has 51 ‘Atcharams'. Similarly, the total number of ‘Grantha' letters is 51.
To get back the history of more than three lakh years in the past, Saptharishi calendar only will be able to provide proper and genuine assistance.
We have been able to fix the dates of history from 25th Chathur Yuga to 28th Chathur Yuga. Saptharishi Mandala has played an important role in almost all the ancient civilization of the world. It is the pivotal point of all astronomical calculations and observations.
N.P.Ramadurai, with my assistance, has found and established that the Saptha Rishi Mandala takes only 2,187 years to make one complete circle through all the 27 asterisms.
He was able to establish that Chathur Yuga comprises only 12,160 years.
I conclude with a request to all the great Tamil scholars, eminent astronomers and mathematical experts to join together in this noble research to establish the glory of Tamil language and Tamil race to the whole world.

Eastern Island, 1,000 miles near Japan, has a script called Rongo Rongo and it is identical with Mohenjodaro letters. This has been fixed as 1,00,000 years old.

Hinduism and cosmos.

                                   HINDUISM AND COSMOS

Photo: Ancient Indian Technology

“The Hindu religion is the only one of the world’s great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths.
It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long. Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang.”

-- Carl Sagan

'Hindu cosmology's time-scale for the universe is in consonance with modern science'

Carl Sagan, the distinguished Cornell University astronomer and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, who succumbed to his battle against cancer on December 15, in fact lived for millions of years in the relative time scale of experience.

This legend in his own lifetime was a first grade philosopher, poet, scientist and a splendid example of human greatness all rolled into one.

His true genius lay in the many esoteric philosophical and scientific endeavours which only specialists can really appreciate. But he became an instant pop science icon when he co-authored COSMOS, a television series devoted to astronomy and space exploration.

A part of that awesome series was shot in India. In the early eighties, Sagan met then Indian diplomat Placido P D'Souza and in a conversation explained the India connection and the relevance of Gandhi.

You have been host of the television programme COSMOS which deals with astronomy and science exploration. And yet India figured in this programme. Could you tell us how India fits into this series?
Let me first say something about the series in general, and something about the Indian part of the series. The television series COSMOS is designed to breach the barrier that many people feel about science. They cannot understand it, and it is foreign to them in approach and content. Our experience is that children grow up with an absolute zest and passion for science, and something happens to discourage some of them - sometimes many of them - from pursuing this interest.

We thought it was our job to excite the children, and reawaken the interest in science of adults. So we will use any approach to gain people's attention, and show them that science is something not just that they can understand, but that they can become excited about and can use as part of the way they view the world.

The series has been extraordinarily successful. It has been shown in a year or two in the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China. I hope some day it will be shown in India. The tenth episode of COSMOS is largely about cosmology - the study of the universe in a perspective in which the Earth is like a grain to stand in vast beach or desert - and the way we approach the subject is through Hindu cosmology.

Contniuation : (Must Read)
“The Hindu religion is the only one of the world’s great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths.
It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long. Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang.”

-- Carl Sagan

'Hindu cosmology's time-scale for the universe is in consonance with modern science'

Carl Sagan, the distinguished Cornell University astronomer and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, who succumbed to his battle against cancer on December 15, in fact lived for millions of years in the relative time scale of experience.

This legend in his own lifetime was a first grade philosopher, poet, scientist and a splendid example of human greatness all rolled into one.

His true genius lay in the many esoteric philosophical and scientific endeavours which only specialists can really appreciate. But he became an instant pop science icon when he co-authored COSMOS, a television series devoted to astronomy and space exploration.

A part of that awesome series was shot in India. In the early eighties, Sagan met then Indian diplomat Placido P D'Souza and in a conversation explained the India connection and the relevance of Gandhi.

You have been host of the television programme COSMOS which deals with astronomy and science exploration. And yet India figured in this programme. Could you tell us how India fits into this series?
Let me first say something about the series in general, and something about the Indian part of the series. The television series COSMOS is designed to breach the barrier that many people feel about science. They cannot understand it, and it is foreign to them in approach and content. Our experience is that children grow up with an absolute zest and passion for science, and something happens to discourage some of them - sometimes many of them - from pursuing this interest.

We thought it was our job to excite the children, and reawaken the interest in science of adults. So we will use any approach to gain people's attention, and show them that science is something not just that they can understand, but that they can become excited about and can use as part of the way they view the world.

The series has been extraordinarily successful. It has been shown in a year or two in the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China. I hope some day it will be shown in India. The tenth episode of COSMOS is largely about cosmology - the study of the universe in a perspective in which the Earth is like a grain to stand in vast beach or desert - and the way we approach the subject is through Hindu cosmology.

Contniuation : (Must Read)


Makar Sankranti, a scientific, vedic festival that adores universe,sun.

Our ancient ones (rishis) taught us, at the inner core, the human life is Sat-Chit-Anand (Truth-Consciousness-Bliss) and each and every activity in life is meant to lead the individual to that One goal of existential realization.

Thousands of years ago, the Hindu festivals (utsav) spread throughout the Indian-subcontinent and in the east as far as Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia and in the west as far as America, as recorded by Mayans in South America. These festivals took on local hues depending on the climate, agricultural environment, evolving cultural landscape and location. Though somewhat modified over the millenia, many still retain their core essence ans spirit.
Hindus celebrate major cosmic changes, such as the transmigration of the sun from one zodiac sign (Rashi) as Sankranti. Of the twelve sankrantis, Makara Sankranti on January 14th,or 15 th(It changes) is the most significant; the sun passes through the winter solstice, from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn (Makar). We witness cosmic, astronomical harmony and prayerfully honor this scientific Truth. The six months of northern movement of the sun is followed by six months of southern movement.
This festival, unlike other Hindu festivals, is not dependent on the tithi (position of the moon) but on position of the sun. On this day, the sun enters the zodiac sign of Capricorn. To compensate for the difference that occurs due to the revolution around the sun, sometimes the day of sankrant gets pushed ahead by one day.

Makar Sankranti marks the commencement of the Sun's journey to the Northern Hemisphere (Makara raasi ), signifying the onset of Uttarayana Punyakalam, and is a day of celebration all over the country. The day begins with people taking holy dips in the waters and worshipping the Sun.

Traditionally, this period is considered an auspicious time and the veteran Bhishma of Mahabharata chose to die during this period. Bhishma fell to the arrows of Arjun. With his boon to choose the time of his death, he waited on a bed of arrows to depart from this world only during this period. It is believed that those who die in this period have no rebirth.

The Indo Gangetic plain begins this day with taking dips in the Ganga and offering water to the Sun god. The dip is said to purify the self and bestow punya. Special puja is offered as a thanksgiving for good harvest. According to folklore, girls who take the holy dip get handsome husbands and boys get beautiful brides.

Til and Rice are two important ingredients of this festival. In the rice-eating belt of Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh, people have a special rice-centric meal on this day. Also known as Gangasagar Mela, on this day, people come from all over India for a ceremonial cleansing in the river Hooghly, near Calcutta.

Karnataka -men, women and children attired in colourful tunics visit friends and relatives and exchange pieces of sugarcane, a mixture of fried til, molasses, pieces of dry coconut, peanuts and fried gram. The significance of this exchange is that sweetness should prevail in all the dealings. As part of the festival, cows and bulls are given a wash and the horns are painted with bright colours and decorated with garland, and are taken in a procession in the village to the accompaniment of pipes and drums. In the night a bonfire is lit and the animals are made to jump over the fire.

It is a big event for the Tamils and the people of Andhra Pradesh. The Telugus like to call it 'Pedda Panduga' meaning big festival. The whole event lasts for four days, the first day Bhogi, the second day Sankranti, the third day Kanuma and the fourth day, Mukkanuma.

One month preceeding Sankranti is called Dhanurmasam and is also an auspicious period. People wake up early, take bath and go around the streets singing devotional songs. Houses are whitewashed and farmers clean their warehouses. Colorful rangoli (muggulu) are drawn in the front yards of every house during this month. These artistic floral designs are drawn on the floor with rice flour or fine powder from limestone. These patterns are decorated with marigold placed on cowdung balls. Colorfully dressed young girls go round them singing songs.

Makar Sankranti has an astrological significance, as the sun enters the Capricorn (Sanskrit: Makara) zodiac constellation on that day. This date remains almost constant with respect to the Gregorian calendar. However, precession of the Earth's axis (called ayanamsa) causes Makara Sankranti to move over the ages. A thousand years ago, Makara Sankranti was on 31 December and is now on 14 January. According to calculations, from 2050 Makar Sankranti will fall on January 15.
Makara Sankranti is a major harvest festival celebrated in various parts of India. Many Indians also conflate this festival with the Winter Solstice, and believe that the sun ends its southward journey (Sanskrit: Dakshinayana) at the Tropic of Capricorn, and starts moving northward (Sanskrit: Uttarayaana) towards the Tropic of Cancer, in the month of Pausha on this day in mid-January. There is no observance of Winter Solstice in the Hindu religion. 

What is Uttarayan and Dakshinayan of SUN-

Sun rising and setting slightly towards North-East and North-West respecitvely between mid-january to mid-july in every year.
This period is called Uttarayan in vedic terms and it means uttar(north)+ayan(movement) of sun.
The remaining 6 months are termed as dakshinayan which means south movement of sun.

Originally, this was celebrated as Winter Solstice in ancient India but later due to the fact that the solstices are continually precessing at a rate of 50″ / year due to the precession of the equinoxes, winter solstice now occurs at 21st december each year.

Surya Siddhantha bridges this difference by juxtaposing the four solstitial and equinotial points with four of the twelve boundaries of the signs.

This is also the best time to spend in a temple or at a peaceful place and recite Gayatri Mantra in silence.

In vedic religion, God doesn’t have any shape and for us, time is manifestation of God.
Vishnu or Narayana is worshipped through Sun God and this Sun’s equinoxes are celebrated as festivals.

Vedic astrology personifies Sankranti. As per Vedic astrology Sankranti is 60 Yojana (approximately 432 Km) wide and long. Sankranti has figure of a man with one face, long nose, wide lips and nine arms. It moves in forwards direction but keeps watching backwards. It keeps revolving while holding a coconut shell in one hand.

As per Hindu beliefs, the above personification seems inauspicious and hence Sankranti window is prohibited for all auspicious activities. However, the Sankranti duration is considered highly significant for charity, penance and Shradh rituals. People offer alms to needy, take bath in holy rivers and perform Shradh for ancestors during Sankranti. 


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Atomic Particles were discovered by India centuries ago.

Photo: Ancient Indian Technology 


Vaisheshik system was developed by rishi Kanād, from whose name the particles got the name “Kan” or “Kana.” His teaching was that liberation can only be achieved or attained by thoroughly understanding the nature and our existence. Vaisheshika accepts the cosmology or the evolution of the Nature or Universe. Prakruti is considered to be the cause of cosmic evolution. Prakruti has three constituent qualities (guna), namely, sattva, rajas, and tamas in equilibrium. That is why it is also known as “trigunātmikā.” According to Vaisheshika, all objects in nature (Prakruti) are made of tiniest, indivisible, invisible, indestructible, and eternal particles that are neither created nor destroyed (meaning they were there at the beginning of the creation and they will be there at the end of dissolution) and are called “paramānu.” They are like elementary particles of modern physics. Paramanus make anu. Two paramanu make one dvyanuka. Two, three, four, and more dvyanuka make one tryanuka, chaturanuka, and so on. These anu possess continuous vibratory motion which can be regarded as the spin or wave function. These paramanus are distinct from the soul. Each atomic substances has individual (vishesha) characteristics which distinguishes them from other non-atomic substances (dravyas), such as time (kāl), three dimensional space (dig, dishā) (directions or dimensions), soul (ātmā or ātman), and mind (manas). Vaisheshika has definitions for, ākāsh, time, and space. They have no lower constituents, meaning they are elementary. (Vaisheshika Sutra: 2.1.27-31) The qualities of akash are: sound, number, dimension, distinctness (individuality or separateness), conjunction, and disjunction. (Vaisheshika Sutra: 7.1.22) Time marks past, present, and future; succession, lateness and earliness. (Vaisheshika Sutra: 2.2.6) Time marks beginning, persistence, and end. (Vaisheshika Sutra: 2.2.9) Space is the cause of directions and dimensions between two objects. Vaisheshika clearly defines and describes the principle of cause (kāran) and effect (kārya).

Time can flow at different rates for different observers. Time and space are not absolute. Space and time are relative. There exist countless universes with their own Brahmā, Vishnu, and Mahesh. The universal is taken to be timeless and ubiquitous. Whatever can be defines with respect to space and time cannot be a universal. The processes that mark the passage of time on an object would thus be relative. It is only the universals which are true for all time and space are absolute or transcendental. The only such universals are Brahm and Parabrahm. These ideas are elaborated in the Purans, Agama Shashtras, and in the books such as Yoga-Vashishtha.

Substances can be grouped according to their actions or activities, common characteristics, specific characteristics, and their relationships with the cause and effect. According to Vaisheshika, there are six basic categories (padārtha) associated with reality: dravya (substance), guna (quality or characteristic), karma (motion or actions), sāmānya (common or general), vishesha (specific), and samavāya (inherent or comparative).

Dravyas include 9 basic realities, namely, Pruthwi (earth or solid), Jal (water or liquid), Tej (light or fire), Vayu (air or gas), Akash (ether or void), Desh or Dishā (place or the three dimensional space), Kal (time), Mana (mind), and Atma (soul or spirit).

Seventeen kinds of gunas (qualities or characteristics) of objects are originally described. They are: Rupa (appearance or form), Rasa (taste), Gandh (smell), Sparsh (feel or touch), Sankyā (number), Parimāna (dimensions, size, or quantity), Pruthakatva (individuality, separateness, or isolation), Samyoga or sanjog (conjugation), Vibhāga (parts, divisions, or disjunctions), Paratva (remoteness, farness or superiority), Aparatva (nearness or inferiority), Buddhi (intelligence or judgment), Sukha (happiness or pleasure), Dukha (unhappiness or pain), Ichchhā (desire), Dvesha (aversion or animosity), Prayatna (effort -  easy or hard).

Karma means action, activity, motion, or work done. It has four features: Akash (in space or in vacuum), Kāl (time), Dik or Dishā (direction), and Atman (inherent – size, magnitude, etc).



Vaisheshik system was developed by rishi Kanād, from whose name the particles got the name “Kan” or “Kana.” His teaching was that liberation can only be achieved or attained by thoroughly understanding the nature and our existence. Vaisheshika accepts the cosmology or the evolution of the Nature or Universe. Prakruti is considered to be the cause of cosmic evolution. Prakruti has three constituent qualities (guna), namely, sattva, rajas, and tamas in equilibrium. That is why it is also known as “trigunātmikā.” According to Vaisheshika, all objects in nature (Prakruti) are made of tiniest, indivisible, invisible, indestructible, and eternal particles that are neither created nor destroyed (meaning they were there at the beginning of the creation and they will be there at the end of dissolution) and are called “paramānu.” They are like elementary particles of modern physics. Paramanus make anu. Two paramanu make one dvyanuka. Two, three, four, and more dvyanuka make one tryanuka, chaturanuka, and so on. These anu possess continuous vibratory motion which can be regarded as the spin or wave function. These paramanus are distinct from the soul. Each atomic substances has individual (vishesha) characteristics which distinguishes them from other non-atomic substances (dravyas), such as time (kāl), three dimensional space (dig, dishā) (directions or dimensions), soul (ātmā or ātman), and mind (manas). Vaisheshika has definitions for, ākāsh, time, and space. They have no lower constituents, meaning they are elementary. (Vaisheshika Sutra: 2.1.27-31) The qualities of akash are: sound, number, dimension, distinctness (individuality or separateness), conjunction, and disjunction. (Vaisheshika Sutra: 7.1.22) Time marks past, present, and future; succession, lateness and earliness. (Vaisheshika Sutra: 2.2.6) Time marks beginning, persistence, and end. (Vaisheshika Sutra: 2.2.9) Space is the cause of directions and dimensions between two objects. Vaisheshika clearly defines and describes the principle of cause (kāran) and effect (kārya).

Time can flow at different rates for different observers. Time and space are not absolute. Space and time are relative. There exist countless universes with their own Brahmā, Vishnu, and Mahesh. The universal is taken to be timeless and ubiquitous. Whatever can be defines with respect to space and time cannot be a universal. The processes that mark the passage of time on an object would thus be relative. It is only the universals which are true for all time and space are absolute or transcendental. The only such universals are Brahm and Parabrahm. These ideas are elaborated in the Purans, Agama Shashtras, and in the books such as Yoga-Vashishtha.

Substances can be grouped according to their actions or activities, common characteristics, specific characteristics, and their relationships with the cause and effect. According to Vaisheshika, there are six basic categories (padārtha) associated with reality: dravya (substance), guna (quality or characteristic), karma (motion or actions), sāmānya (common or general), vishesha (specific), and samavāya (inherent or comparative).

Dravyas include 9 basic realities, namely, Pruthwi (earth or solid), Jal (water or liquid), Tej (light or fire), Vayu (air or gas), Akash (ether or void), Desh or Dishā (place or the three dimensional space), Kal (time), Mana (mind), and Atma (soul or spirit).

Seventeen kinds of gunas (qualities or characteristics) of objects are originally described. They are: Rupa (appearance or form), Rasa (taste), Gandh (smell), Sparsh (feel or touch), Sankyā (number), Parimāna (dimensions, size, or quantity), Pruthakatva (individuality, separateness, or isolation), Samyoga or sanjog (conjugation), Vibhāga (parts, divisions, or disjunctions), Paratva (remoteness, farness or superiority), Aparatva (nearness or inferiority), Buddhi (intelligence or judgment), Sukha (happiness or pleasure), Dukha (unhappiness or pain), Ichchhā (desire), Dvesha (aversion or animosity), Prayatna (effort - easy or hard).

Karma means action, activity, motion, or work done. It has four features: Akash (in space or in vacuum), Kāl (time), Dik or Dishā (direction), and Atman (inherent – size, magnitude, etc).