Sunday, April 5, 2015

Vedic time


The uniform worldwide tradition of time-management and the Sanskrit terminology associated with it, is yet another emphatic proof of the prevalence of a uniform , unitary Vedic culture throughout the world from time immemorial. The Hindu alias Vedic almanac is the ancient most because it adheres to the Srushti-Samvat i.e, the time -computation from the creation of the cosmos. Nothing can be more ancient.

What is more, anybody undertaking any Vedic ritual at any time in any part of the world has to recall and repeat the entire computation of the aeons, eras, years and days that have passed from the moment of the creation to the day of the ritual. Thus a continual, up-to-date, day -to -day computation uttered through billions of months down the ages, day -in and day –out, all over the world has ensured an unerring tally of eternal time, A quick review of the cosmic time tally is part of the Sankalpa uttered at Vedic rituals.

It is that Vedic tradition which has been keeping a continuous tally or the time-dimension of' the cosmos namely of the time that has elapsed and the period that lies ahead before the next cataclysmic end or worldly life. Of the current Kali era 5097 years have elapsed . Even or that stretch of time present-day scholars know a bare, dented outline of history only or the last about 2000 years. Of the balance 3097 anterior years they know next to nothing.

It was during that remote antiquity that the world had a unitary administration of Kshatriyas trained to govem the world under the Vedic socio-political system.

People retaining the Vedic tradition are currently identified as Hindus. And since Vedic-tradition has been a world-heritage every human being is, in a way, a Hindu, in Modern paralance.

It was during that long stretch of universal administration that a uniform time-calculation system and terminology was introduced. The world still sticks to it and yet very few seem to be aware of it.

The word Time itself is a corruption of the Sanskrit word ‘Samay’. That was pronounced as ‘Tamay’ and later as ‘Time.’

Take the word ‘calendar’ itself. That is the Sanskrit word ‘Kalantar’ (कालांतर) which signifies a chart detailing the divisions of time (namely the day, week, month and year.

Likewise the word clock is Sanskrit ‘Kala-ka’ (काल-क)i.e a recorder-cum-indicator of time.

Let us know start from the split-second to find out how the entire time computation around the world is all of the Vedic tradition.

The 60 second, 60 minute calculation is Vedic mathematics because according to the 60 vipalas make one ‘pala’ and 60 ‘palas’ make one ‘ghati’(i.e.24 minutes. The word ‘second’ itself is a malpronunciation of the Sanskrit word ‘Kshan’(क्षण). The word Minute is also corruption of sanskrit word ‘Mit’(मित).

The term ‘hour’ is a malpronunciation of the Sanskrit word (होरा)’hora’ (which is made up of 2 ½ ghatis). 60 Pal = 1 Ghati (24 Minutes) 2.5 Ghati = 1 Hora (=1 Hour)

Below in detail -
Krati =34,000th of a second Truti =300th of a second 2 Truti =1 Luv 2 Luv = 1 Kshana 30 Kshana =1 Vipal 60 Vipal = 1 Pal 60 Pal = 1 Ghati (24 Minutes) 2.5 Ghati = 1 Hora (=1 Hour) 24 Hora = 1 Divas (1 Day) 7 Divas = 1 Saptah (1 Week) 4 Saptah = 1 Maas (1 Month) 2 Maas = 1 Ritu (1 Season) 6 Ritu = 1 Varsha (1 Year) 100 Varsha = 1 Shatabda (1 Century) 10 Shatabda = 1 Sahasrabda 432 Sahasrabda = 1Yuga (Kali Yuga)) 2 Kali Yuga = 1 Dwaapar Yuga 3 Kali Yuga = 1 Treta Yuga 4 Kali Yuga = Kruta Yuga 10 Kali Yuga = 1 Maha Yuga (4,320,000) 1000 Maha Yuga = 1 Kalpa 1 Kalpa = 4.32 Billion Years

The word ‘day’ is the corrupt form of the Sanskrit word 'din’ (दिनम्).
All the days of the week too follow the order laid down by Vedic tradition wherein each day is named after the members of our solar system in a specified order. For Instance. Sunday (the day named after the Sun) follows Saturday (the day of Saturn). Monday (which is Moonday) follows Sunday and so on.

The whole world couldn’t have followed this system without the slightest egoistic or chauvinistic murmur from anywhere, had it not been subject to a common Vedic administration.

After the week comes the month. The division of the year into 12 Parts (each or which is known as month, corresponding to the twelve Zodiacal signs) is devised by the Vedic system and is unquestioningly followed all over the world.

Even the Sanskrit term ‘mas’ (मास) signifying a month is still used in Europe. The European terms Christmas and Michaelmas signify the months in which the celebrations concerning Christ (alias chrisn)and Michael are observed. Michael is Sanskrit Mukul.

The names September, October, November and December are the Sanskrit words (सप्तांबर)Saptambar, (अष्टांबर)Ashtambhar, (नवांबर)Navambar, (दशांबर)Dashambar where (अंबर)’ambar’ is the Sanskrit term for the Zodiac while the numbers (सप्ता) sapta, (अष्टा)ashta, (नवा) nava and (दशा) dasha, signify the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th months respectively.

If the remaining eight months are not easily identifiable as Sanskrit that is because history always leaves ruins in its wake for various reasons. It is like an old man whose teeth have wide gaps. The two rows of well-set teeth of his childhood do not remain intact as age advances. But the remaining teeth and dented gums do lead to the conclusion that once the man did have a full set of teeth.

The same may be said of the months. From the four months still clearly identifiable as Sanskrit. It can be safely deduced that the remaining eight months too had Sanskrit names.

Among the others a few more can still be identified as Sanskrit on a closer look. The name Januarius is the original name, of which January is an abbreviation. Here it may be recalled that in Latin the name of God Ganesh came to be spelled as Janus.So even the Januray beginning of the year is rooted in the Vedic tradition of Ganesh worship. Even the name Januarius misbelieved to be Latin in the Sanskrit term ‘gana-raya-eash’ (गणरायईश)signifying Lord Ganesh.

The name of the succeeding month February wag spelled by the Romans as Februarius. That is a malpronunciation of the Sanskrit word Pravaresh. From the Sanskrit word ‘Pitar’ changing to' father' in European pronunciation we know that European 'f’ replaces Sanskrit ‘P’ Consequently Februarius was (प्रवरेश)Pravaresh. (प्रवर) Pravar in Sanskrit signifies a sage. So the term Pravaresh alias Februarius signified God as the Lord of Sages.

The term March is from (मरीचि) ‘Marichi’ -one of the Sanskrit names of the Sun. Since that month marks the beginning of longer alias a kind of waxing of the sunlight hours it was named after the Sun. Another explanation is that March signifies a start i.e marching orders. Since in ancient practice the beginning of the year coincided with that period, the opening month was named March.

These clues should help scholars to trace the Vedic origin of the term April, May, June and July or either Sanskrit substitutes. It could be that May is named after Maya - i.e. illusion(in Sanskrit), the Holy Spirit which consorted with the Creator to create the cosmos.

It is commonly believed that the name July originates from Julius Caesar and Augustus from Augustus Caesar. These could be explanations concocted by latter-day scholars. Muslim and Christian histories bristle with such concoctions . By that token other Roman emperors too should have had the remaining ten months named after themselves. Were they less egoistic or ambitious?.

The term August and even the imperial name ‘Augustus’ derive from Sage Agastya (अगस्त्य) an ancient seer and Vedic scholar of world renown who was known for his impressive personality. The term ‘august personality’ and ‘august presence’ derive from that sage. The Agastya had a world impact is additional proof that the Vedas were revered and recited all over the world in ancient times.

Even the Sanskrit term 'mas' (मास) signifying a month is still used in Europe. The European terms Christmas and Michaelmas signify the months in which celebrations concerning Christ (alias Chrisn) and Michael are observed. Michael is Sanskrit Mukul. European scholars are so oblivious of the Sanskrit meaning of the term 'mas' (month ) that they equate Christmas with only one day i.e . December 25 and Michaelmas also only with one day, namely September 29.

Equating the term 'Christmas' with one day i.e. December 25, and also sometimes with a whole week (December 25 to 31) is a terminological and mathematical absurdity because the Sanskrit term (दशांबर) December signifies the entire tenth month. This is due to the present ignorance of the ancient worldwide prevalence of Vedic, Sanskrit traditions.
This is a graphic pointer to the enormously long period that has elapsed from the time the Europeans lost touch with their Vedic origins . Their proselytization as Christians pulled them further away from their Vedic roots. Whatever we say in this volume, about Christians applies equally to Mahomedans. They too were forcibly torn away from their Vedic moorings .
This brings us , incidentally , to the erudite compilers of the Oxford and Webster's dictionaries. Those dictionaries explain Christmas as Christ 's birthday. They seem to be blissfully unaware that even in their own language the suffix 'mas' does not signify a birthday . How then could Christmas mean Christ' s birthday ? Had the suffix 'mas' signified a birthday we should have seen everybody celebrating birthdays inviting his near and dear ones to attend his ‘mas.’

Could anyone imagine one Christian writing to another using the symbol ' X ' wherever he wishes to mention Jesus or swear in the name of Jesus Christ ? For instance could one write ' Jesus X ' to mean Jesus Christ ? Anybody reading such a letter would conclude that ' X ' represents some secret, missing, unmentionable word . In fact the term X 'mas could as well be written as Y ' mas or Z ' mas for all the Christians care or know . Because if Christ could be represented by the algebrical symbol ' X ' he could as well be represented by ' Y ' or ' Z. '

This illustration is a measure of the world 's ignorance about ancient history. Most people are content to swallow unquestioned all they are taught at school or college. It is only with the help of Sanskrit and Vedic tradition that we can unravel and rationally explain the terms Christmas and ' X ' mas. The Roman numeral 10 is written as ' X ' while the Sanskrit word ' mas ' signifies a ' month ' . Therefore the term X "mas signifies the 10th month. Correspondingly the term December also signifies the 10th month. Thus X 'mas is a brief expression in figure of the term December meaning the 10th month. The term Christmas (alias Chrisnmas) also signifies the entire month as symbolizing or commemorating Christ alias (Chrisn ).

December was observed as Chrisn-mas because Chrisn has mentioned in the Bhagwad Geeta that all months Margasheersh (i.e. December) represents him.

Chrisnmas (कृषणमास )has been so named in Vedic tradition also because that is the last month of long, dark nights and the word Krishna signifies darkness too.

In our own day September ranks as the ninth month though its Sanskrit name proclaims it to be the seventh month. What explains this anomaly?
September could be the seventh month only if March is counted as the first month. And actually all around the ancient world, in Rome, in England etc the year began only in March. It was only from 1752 A.D. that England formally switched on to January 1 as the New Year Day by an act of Parliament. Earlier its New Year Day used to be March 25. This provides a very good clue to detect when England actually broke away from Vedic tradition and permanently adopted March 25 as the New Year Day. One of those could be determined from other evidence as the year in which England last observed March 25 as the astronomical Vedic lunar New Year Day.
Likewise since Rome observed March 15, as the New Year Day it may be calculated as to which was the year (or years ) in which March 15 coincided with the vernal equinox i.e. the start of the Vedic lunar New Year Day. That will enable us to determine the year upto which Rome adhered to the Vedic lunar Year practice before switching on to the stiff March 15 as the New Year Day.

The importance of Ides of March in Roman tradition was due to the worship of the Vedic Goddess Annapooma (i .e. the Goddess of plentitude of food) at the start of the year. It was attended with feasting and rejoicing and public holiday and worship of the Goddess in tastefully decorated pandals . That Goddess now stands Christianized as Anna Perina.
The worldwide tradition of considering the year to begin in March as per Vedic practice is a clear indication of the prevalence of a unitary Vedic administration throughout the world in ancient times. Thus throughout the world time is computed even today from the split-second to the year according to the Vedic system as explained above. Likewise the terminology associated with it is also all still Sanskrit.

The European tradition of counting the hours of the day from the midnight hour originated in India after the Mahabharata War, taking the time of Krishna’s birth as its base since Krishna was revered throughout the world and Krishna’s birth symbolized the end of a dark period of tyranny.
Another explanation is that the Vedic administrative headquarters for Europe used to be in London in the British Isles. London meridian time is 5½ hours behind the Indian time. When the sun rises at 5.30 a.m. India changes the date as per vedic practice. At that time it is midnight hour in London. Therefore, the vedic administration there cultivated the tradition of reckoning the day from the midnight hour. Forgetting that, our own times Indian bureaucracy reckons its official date to commence from the midnight hour.

Even the terms a.m. and p.m. have a Sanskrit connotation and not English as is easily assumed. Even the terms a.m. and p.m have a Sanskrit connotation, and not English as is easily assumed. In English parlance the term a.m. means ’ante-meridian' and p.m. means 'post -meridian'. But the question remains who is ante-meridian and post -meridian ? That is to say the subject himself is missing .The 'Sun’ who is vital to the calculation remains un -mentioned . This is unthinkable and unjustifiable. That lacuna arises because it is not realized that the letters a.m. and p.m. are the initials of the hoary Sanskrit expressions (आरोहणम् मार्तडस्य्) Arohanam Martandasaya (i.e. the climbing of the sun) and (पतनम् मार्तडस्य्)Patanam Martandasaya (i.e. the falling of the sun).

London has been a very ancient Vedic capital. Its ancient Sanskrit name was Nondonium which is Sanskrit for a ‘Pleasing Habitation’. In Roman time, it was misspelled as Londonium. Later this was abbreviated to London. In European languages the letter ‘ L' has very often replaced the Sanskrit letter 'N’.' That is why the Sanskrit name Svetanana (the fair- faced ) is pronounced in Russia, as Svetlana.

Vedic Divisions of Time

The current trend of the academic world is to regard the Vedic era as the most primitive. Contrarily it was an era of almost divine excellence in every respect because of billions of years ago divinity itself provided the first proto-types of humanity. Those humans of that first generation had a calculating range which extended from the infinitesimal trillionth or a second to trillions or years. Hereunder is that split second scale of ancient Vedic calculation. Such a wide, minute to colossal, computation system also pre-supposes a highly developed base or scientific and technological excellence.

Hereunder' is that split-second scale or ancient Vedic calculation (mentioned in the 32nd chapter or the Marathi translation or the Yajurveda, by S.K. Devdhar, Prasaad Prakasban, Pune, India) :

1 Paramanu = 1/379675 Second, 2 Paramaanu= 1 Anu [sub-atomic particle, idivisible and cannot contain life] 3 Anu= 1 Trasarenu - 3 Trasarenu= 1 Truti – time the Sun takes to cross 3 Trasarenu is called Truti (8/13,500 parts of a second) 100 Truti= 1 Vedh (8/135 parts of a second) 3 Vedh= 1 Lav (8/45 parts of a second) 3 Lav= 1 Nimesh (8/15 parts of a second) 3 Nimesh= 1 Kshan, or Pal, or second (8/5 parts of a second) 5 Kshan= 1 Kaashthaa (8 seconds) 15 Kaashthaa= 1 Laghu (120 seconds or 2 minutes) 15 Laghu= 1 Naadikaa*, or 1 Dand, or 30 minutes
- From book - World Vedic Heritage by P.n. Oak.

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