In question of our worshiping of sun, moon, fire and alike by other monotheism faiths quoting verses from,
Yajur Ved 32:3 “There is no image of Him whose glory verily is great. He sustains within Himself all luminous objects like the Sun etc. May He not harm me, this is my prayer. As He is unborn, He deserves our worship”,
Or, quoting Swetasvatara Upanishad chapter 6 verse 19 “No one can grasp Him above, across, or in the middle. There is no likeness of Him. His name is Great Glory”,
the answer is simple that these two verses are just two pixels of the big picture and Almighty confirms verily of worshiping through idols/picture/photo/statue/fire and the ideal is THAT ONE ALMIGHTY (we already shared from Bhagavad Gita also the sermon of Lord Krsna : The God incarnation).

Are the Hindus worshiping the idol for the idol?
No, Hindus worship the ideal (Almighty) behind the idol. The commandment by Almighty on worshiping to a form/manifestation/image/idol/picture is given in Bhagavad Gita in chapter 12.
Let us find HIS ORDINANCE in Bhagavad Gita on meditating and remember HIM (Almighty) through any and every path/idol/image/picture.
Those whose wisdom has been rent away by this or that desire, go to other gods, following this or that rite, led by their own nature. BG 7:20
Whatsoever form any devotee desires to worship with faith—that (same) faith of his I make firm and unflinching. BG 7:21
Endowed with that faith, he engages in the worship of that (form), and from it he obtains his desire, these being verily ordained by Me (alone). BG 7:22
Verily the reward (fruit) that accrues to those men of small intelligence is finite. The worshipers of the gods go to them, but My devotees come to Me. BG 7:23

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