The purpose of living this human life is to practice truth, morality, justice, harmony and finally wisdom. An important step towards achieving wisdom is meditation to conquer the senses. "One who remains unshaken, who has conquered the sens...es to whom a lump of earth a stone and gold are the same is said to have attained Nirvikalp Samadhi (harmonised)," Almighty sermons in Bhagavat Gita, Ch 6 (atmasaMyanmyog) sloke no.8.
Meditation is renouncing the thought and "No one verily becomes a Yogi who has not abandoned the thought", BG 6:2. Thee sermon further that "For the meditative pious, religious person, who wants to reach the highest state of Karm Yog, action is said to be the means. For the same person when he elevates in Yog, tranquility of mind is all the means of God consciousness." (BG 6:3).
We hear ways of meditation from preachers, practitioners and alikes and have seen the portrait/picture of those who achieved the wisdom viz Gautam Buddha, Mahavir, Sri Ramkrishna. Let us know what Almighty sermon on how the yog (meditation) is to be practiced. Almighty is our Creator (the whole universe) and His commandments (in Holy Scriptures) are the most authentic for His most intelligent creations on the face of this earth, the human beings. It is same as an engineer knows the best ways to maintain his created machines.
Please refer Bhagavat Gita 6:11, "In a clean place, having set the seat firm, neither very high nor very low.....".
6:12, "Seated there on the seat, having made the mind one pointed with the activity of the senses and thought subdued, let practice Yog for self-purification."
6:13, "Let the body hold firmly, head and neck erect and still gazing at the tip of the nose, without looking around."
6:14, "Serene minded , fearless, firm in the vow of Brahmacharya, having controlled the mind, thinking on me (Supreme God) and balanced, let sit, having me as the Supreme Goal."
We are an assembly to discuss on Hinduism : SANATAN DHARM (in the light of Holy Scriptures) which are "....the testaments to decide of what should be done and what should not be done. After knowing the ordinances given in the Scriptures, you should act as accordingly." BG 16:23.
Meditation is renouncing the thought and "No one verily becomes a Yogi who has not abandoned the thought", BG 6:2. Thee sermon further that "For the meditative pious, religious person, who wants to reach the highest state of Karm Yog, action is said to be the means. For the same person when he elevates in Yog, tranquility of mind is all the means of God consciousness." (BG 6:3).
We hear ways of meditation from preachers, practitioners and alikes and have seen the portrait/picture of those who achieved the wisdom viz Gautam Buddha, Mahavir, Sri Ramkrishna. Let us know what Almighty sermon on how the yog (meditation) is to be practiced. Almighty is our Creator (the whole universe) and His commandments (in Holy Scriptures) are the most authentic for His most intelligent creations on the face of this earth, the human beings. It is same as an engineer knows the best ways to maintain his created machines.
Please refer Bhagavat Gita 6:11, "In a clean place, having set the seat firm, neither very high nor very low.....".
6:12, "Seated there on the seat, having made the mind one pointed with the activity of the senses and thought subdued, let practice Yog for self-purification."
6:13, "Let the body hold firmly, head and neck erect and still gazing at the tip of the nose, without looking around."
6:14, "Serene minded , fearless, firm in the vow of Brahmacharya, having controlled the mind, thinking on me (Supreme God) and balanced, let sit, having me as the Supreme Goal."
We are an assembly to discuss on Hinduism : SANATAN DHARM (in the light of Holy Scriptures) which are "....the testaments to decide of what should be done and what should not be done. After knowing the ordinances given in the Scriptures, you should act as accordingly." BG 16:23.
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